College review huihuihuihui

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I started college today.

It was nerve-wracking at first tbh. I was crying about it literally everywhere. Ask may_bornmia or GucciTae2630

But then while I was talking to Mia, I got off track and started fantasizing about Yunho from ateez. Idk how, but it helped. I was much calmer afterwards.

Oh, also I'm sorry bro, no professor Yunho for us. All we had were very boring profs whose entire reason to come to the class was to intimidate us. They are however very helpful.

The moment I entered the building the guards asked me to get the string thing from the office WHICH WAS 15 RUPEES BY THE WAY WHICH I THINK SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE MOUNTAINOUS FEES OF THE COLLEGE. Then I hung it around my neck like a prisoner in Tihar jail and continued on on my journey to my classroom, scared of getting picked on and dreading what was to come.


Just kidding I found my friend and headed straight to class after getting our Id card string things

I was freaking out over schedules too but the prof in charge of my class was very helpful. She even took time to explain a few things to us later on even though she was rushing to another class!

I also made a lot of acquaintances and one of my seniors turned out to be my old friend from school so it was smooth sailing for me in terms of social life lmao. I've come to learn in fields such as these, one must fake it till you make it. I gaslighted myself into thinking I was a very social and extroverted student who is somehow VEEEERY interested in the history of literature and it actually worked lmao.

Though I must say I did exhaust all my social battery for the day.

Besides all this fiasco, I'd say my day went pretty well. I should start buying books soon though. Anyways that was my review on the first day of college.

Now goodbye. I'll head straight to sleep.

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