[1] Dark Nightmares...

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I woke up with mild back pains, assumingly because I wasn't quite used to another human being on my shoulders. I groaned but eventually was able to move out of bed to head outside. I squinted, trying to pull out my PDA to check the time as it was a little later in the morning but not quite the afternoon. Figured I'd get some brunch if anyone was still in the kitchen.

Whatever, I could make my own food anyway.

I walked into the cafeteria to be met with a few people, not making eye contact or not giving mind to who was there. I headed into the kitchen where I was met with nobody inside. Donut probably had stopped serving a bit ago... Which is understandable in itself.

I toasted some bread and went to try to get the damn coffee machine to work... I knew how to use it. Why is this machine so-

"Do you need some assistance?"

I stumbled a little in surprise, turning myself over on my heel to face the voice as I held onto the mask to keep it in place as I swiftly caught my balance. "Err- M-Maybe." I noticed the person who had just come into the kitchen was Tv, who was giving a small and awkward smile.

"Hm, let's see here..." He squinted a little, going to approach the machine and begin to mess with it a little until it seemed like it was whirring and working. "There! Try now!" I pressed the button as I was pleasantly surprised to watch it dispense the coffee I wanted. "Ah, wonderful." I went to grab it and drink it, wincing a little at the sudden bitter taste keeping me up.

"Don't you uh, add anything in your coffee?" Tv looked at me, tilting his head in what appeared to be mild judgment. I frowned. "...No? Is that an issue?"

"Oh, no! Not at all... I-I was just wondering."

I rolled my eyes. "..Right." I snatched my piece of toast from the toaster and took a bite from it. "There we are... Don't you have other things to do?" I was curious as to why Tv was still here, standing awkwardly. He shook his head, letting out a chuckle.

"Oh, no... I sorta was just looking for people to accompany, if you don't mind that is!-"

"Hm." I hesitated a little but nodded. "Sure, I don't mind... Not like I have anything else to do." I took another good sip of the coffee, being much more aware and awake now with it in my system. "A-Ah! Great.." He smiled, going to begin to walk. "Maybe it'd be best suited if we leave here and head to where food and drinks should be designated." He urged, as I reluctantly followed him out back in the cafeteria. I took my time, being careful to not spill the slowly cooling down coffee as we headed to a table to sit. "Hm..." I went to take a bite of my toast, deciding to my thoughts slowly drift off into things not best suited to be expressed.

"I-Is there something troubling you?"

"...No.." I muttered quietly to myself, going to take a weak sip of my coffee. I felt tired... Though, at the same time, I was quite awake. Very much due to the assistance of coffee in my system. I wasn't sure why I was thinking about such bitter things... It was in the past, after all.

Let's keep it like that.

"Hello? A-Are you sure?"

I gripped my toast, nodding. "Yes, please don't worry too much about me." I calmly said after a moment of hesitation and taking a breath of relief. "I'm just... not feeling it today." I had my mask lifted a bit so he could probably see my mouth peeking out from underneath, but the rest of my face was hidden in anonymity.  "I... see." He nodded a little curiously, before looking away and trying to pull out his PDA hidden from me. He fished it out, going to lean down on the table and look through onto it. "...Huh, didn't think they'd have all of the information about people here." He commented as I finished up my breakfast.

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