[2] Familiar Comfort.

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I flinched as I got up from my bed, looking around in surprise.


I rubbed my head, a little in annoyance. I went to take out my PDA, before realizing it was sometime in the late afternoon. I must've taken a nap when I went to sit on my bed... or whatever along those lines. I decided to glance around my room, squinting at all of the decorations on my wall. 

It's been a small bit since I first arrived here and I realized I never actually examined my room properly. Something about the decorations felt wrong... As if they knew. The thought left shivers down my spine as I went to quickly get out of bed. I tossed the bedsheets to the side, as I went to approach one of the posters on my wall and squinted at it. I wasn't... sure. Everything about my room just rubbed me the wrong way, as I gripped my arms and looked away. "Don't let it get to you." I had to remind myself, going to the bathroom and slip my mask off slightly so I could splash a bit of water on my face.

I knew I was still tired from merely just waking up, plus the whole... situation yesterday and everything else. The paranoia was certainly getting to me, which, I couldn't let happen. I grumbled at myself, muttering words of encouragement to convince myself that I'll make it through. 

I went to walk outside of my room, letting my hand slip across the door as it shut behind me. I intended to head for the cafeteria to see if they were serving any food of sorts, my mind wandering as it was full of different thoughts. I had a lot of questions... and concerns. I suppose not many would be answered, at least anytime soon. I was trying to ignore the thoughts but unfortunately, they kept flowing back to me. I gripped my hands into fists, looking away before accidentally bumping into someone. I stumbled back a little, looking over in surprise. "..?"

Pie was standing, with a cup in her hand. I assumed it was filled with water or something, as a bit of it seemed to have spilled on her. She gave a small shrug at me. "Whatever, I have more of this outfit in my room." She muttered, glancing off to the side. I felt awkward, "...R-Right, apologies. I'm just... gonna go and try to get some food." I had immediately excused myself, heading past her. She gave a small nod in response. "Have fun." She said, before going to walk off in her own direction. I'd assume to her room but... I'll never find out since I'm no creep.

I headed down the hallways for the cafeteria, minding my own business as the halls specifically seemed rather empty. Hm... 

Perhaps there's a reason why. 

I took no note of it, walking until I noticed Tv walking down the hall and nearly passing by me. He stopped in his tracks, looking over at me and giving a comforting smile. "Oh, h-hey Yellow! Glad to see you alright..." He turned over to stand beside me. I raised an eyebrow. "Well, yes... I'm alright. Nothing's happened to me." I huffed a little, "I was about to go and get some food. You want to come?" I decided to offer, not minding the company of someone else.

I knew I shouldn't get too attached, though. Who knows what may happen.

"H-Hm? Oh, sure!- I... was thinking about heading to the new 2nd floor that was opened."

"2nd floor?" I recalled a blocked-off stairway... Did they open it up since?

He gave a nod. "Yep! P-People have been mostly exploring that so..."

"...I see."

The two of us had a bit more conversation about this 2nd floor that I definitely knew to try to check out later today. Knowing that our surroundings expanded the more we live through this game... Well, I'd assume so at least... I knew I had to make sure to not do anything stupid to get myself killed. The walk didn't take too long to the cafeteria, as we made it inside. The place seemed deserted, which Tv had made a small comment on.

"...I guess m-most people have been exploring."

"Well, that or it's past the time people would eat," I muttered in reply.

He looked over at me, taking a moment to acknowledge it. "P-Perhaps... Anyhow, there are likely leftovers we can take in the kitchen." Tv went ahead to lead the way towards the kitchen, which I had followed in close pursuit. I was definitely rather hungry, hearing my stomach rumble lightly from the lack of food. 

I grinned a little underneath my mask at the sight of the leftovers. "Ah, you were right in that department." He looked over at me, nodding. "M-Mhm!-" He gave a cheerful smile before going to go and microwave the food for us. "Y-You can go sit outside, I'll come out with it." 

"Hm, alright."

Following what he had recommended for me to do, I went ahead to sit down and wait patiently for the other to come out with our food. I leaned on the table, tapping my foot on the floor as my fingers tapped in rhythm on the table. I hummed a small familiar tune to myself, focusing my thoughts on the current situation. I thought we could hold back on murdering but I suppose with the conditions of the so-called 'motives,' the job had become significantly more difficult.

Well, clearly so with the first murder already having occurred. 

I still felt a twinge of nervousness, but I had to quickly brush it off as I perked at the noise of footsteps approaching from behind. I turned around, still sitting but noticing someone standing at the entrance.

Donut was messing with the buttons on his sweater, "...Oh, Uhm... D-Didn't really expect for there to be other people here!" He exclaimed, walking towards me. "So Uhm... W-What are you doing here?"

"I was waiting for Tv to finish heating up some leftovers you made, I assume."

"A-Ah! Right. Mind if I eat with you guys?"

"I don't really care, you could ask Tv if you want a definite answer though."

Donut gave a small nod, going to take a seat beside me. I went to scoot a little away to give him (and myself...) some space. 

It took a bit of time, but Tv eventually headed out with a tray of food in his hands. He noticed Donut, giving a small smile. "Oh, hi!" He looked over towards me in seeming expectation for me to say something. I gave a look towards Donut, raising an eyebrow. "...Oh, Donut just wanted to eat with us."


"Oh! Hm... Sure, he can. I-I think we perhaps have enough food..."

"I could just make more if we need it." Donut laughed a little, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, w-we should dig in now."

"Right, right..." I mumbled. The three of us began to indulge in the food, enjoying it. I was finishing mine up quickly for sure. I wasn't sure when was the last time I ate... but it's been long enough for me to savor the taste of food. The three of us ate, with a small conversation happening within us. I wasn't exactly paying attention to what the two were saying though... Mostly distracted with other things. Such as that 2nd floor.

I went to suddenly stand up, looking at them both. "I'm full, thanks for making the food." I calmly said, excusing myself. As I went to go and leave to find where those damned stairs were... I don't recall, but with a bit of exploration, I figured I'd find it. Well, I was going to at least. During my time walking around and trying to find where the stairs were, I noticed Woody wandering around aimlessly as well.

What the hell was he doing now..? He's definitely not worth my time.

I decided to retreat back to my room, not wanting to exactly deal with this. I could check it out later with someone else anyways. I was rather tired now that I walked off the meal I had just eaten, so... Yeah, I'm definitely avoiding him.

I went to back away, turning and going to walk where the familiar hallways of the dormitories were. I glanced over at all of the various doors, with each of the nameplates on them. It was soon that I'd find my own and be comforted by the somewhat familiarity of it. If only I could be back where I actually had come from.

The familiar comfort of my home, wherever it may be now.

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