[2] Exploration.

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I woke up rather early... I believe, at least. It was likely because I had decided to sleep in yesterday. I felt my stomach rumble immediately, realizing I should probably treat myself to a snack before doing anything else. I was rather tired still as well...

I went to get out of bed, grooming myself to look a little neater. I went to head out from my dormitory, not looking back as I was prepared to head to the cafeteria for something to give me energy. I was rather disorientated in general, losing track of time and all. I've noticed myself pulling out my PDA and checking the time before tiredly putting it back into my pocket. I suppose I don't even know if it's an accurate time of the outside world though... I rather not gaslight myself into thinking more than I need to. Especially in my current state of mind.

I ended up brushing against someone, stopping in my tracks, and looking over. "Hm?" My tense gaze softened, relaxing myself as I realized it was just Bomby. The exact person I was actually looking for, how convenient. "Ah, just the one I was looking for..."

"You were looking for me?"

"Correct... About what had happened the day prior. I suppose that confirms you were right, yes?"

Bomby had a raised eyebrow before his gaze softened. He sighed. "For the worse, yeah. He really is gone." He put his arm on his hip. "You wanna talk this over with coffee?"

"I'd love to do so. Was heading there anyways."

Bomby gave a nod, going to turn and begin heading for the cafeteria. I followed suit shortly after. I was a little hesitant... but...

"Sorry about your loss, by the way."

Bomby glanced over to me. "Yeah... Thanks, man. Gonna be honest, he was kinda hanging with the wrong people in there. Ya know?"

I tried to recall what he meant, before realizing he had pushed someone to their death by sheer accident prior. "...Ah. I quite believe that I do. Well, what was his name? I don't believe I've ever caught it." I questioned.

"Well... He sorta wanted to be called Jr. Good kid, really." Bomby rubbed the back of his head. "I guess situations like this could really bring the worst outta yourself."

"To be fair, we're being forced to resort to murder..."

"Exactly! God, I don't really know about the kids here. They don't deserve this."

I paused, raising an eyebrow. "Kids?"

"Well, yeah. Why do you think I have my ultimate? It's my career, damn best at it too!" Bomby chuckled a little, "That does mean I gotta be the adult of the group, well... Literally."

"I never really realized how old some of us are..." I trailed off, frowning. "Then again, there's Rocky."

"I mean, if Jr was able to get sent here..." He shuttered a little at the thought. "It was fair game for him too."

"Unfortunately so... Guess it'd be worth just keeping an eye on him then. Would suck to see him pass." I went to grip my mask at the thought. I'd hate to see such an event... The scene I had in my mind revolted me. I'd just...

I'd feel awful.

God, no, not like this. I didn't want to think about it. Bomby seemed to have noticed my little freakout, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I... get it." He awkwardly murmured, glancing forwards to notice the cafeteria right there. I acknowledged it, giving a light nod as we walked inside.

The energy felt tense, as I went to stumble over to the table to sit. "...I just need something to wake me up, that's all," I told Bomby, holding my arms. I didn't feel so good... A gut feeling, possibly. Or just everything in general was easily a reason for it. Who knows.

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