[2] Gossip.

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I felt my body jolt awake after what seemed like hours of sleep. I rubbed my eyes, groaning as I went to check the clock to realize I only had merely 4 hours of sleep as it rang about 10 AM. I had no idea how long... the trial took, but that's beside the point. It's over now. I did feel a lot more refreshed after plenty of sleep, yawning as I went to get out of bed to go and get a glass of water as I felt dehydrated. As I gulped down my water, I went to make sure I looked presentable before heading out to get some food.

I was awful hungry, knowing everyone else they may feel the same as myself. I walked into a fairly occupied and full cafeteria, with most... if not all (I didn't count), of my fellow classmates hanging inside of there. I made no looks as I headed right for the kitchen, asking Donut for a cup of coffee as well as a toast as he gave a nod and we exchanged a small bit of conversation before I took my breakfast items and went to head and sit down. I noticed conversation being sparked up by some of the other students, going to slowly scoot myself over down the table to tap into what they were exactly saying. I couldn't help myself, morbid curiosity.

"Jeez, this morning... Kinda weird, huh?"

"Well, duh. That fuckin' bitch was tryna get us all killed!"

"Kinda an idiot, honestly..."

I immediately realized it was about the trial, deciding to go and eat my toast as I silently kept listening. I didn't exactly have the energy to protest or interrupt the group. I glanced around, noticing eyes peering over towards the trio. It was obvious they were being sorta loud with their 'gossip.'

"Well... Uh, it was her brother so I guess I can't blame them too much." Bomby murmured, going to take off his cap and lower it down to his chest. "Losing close ones does mess you up."

Puffball scowled, making a gesture as if she was shooing him away. "Well, maybe she SHOULDN'T have cared! That sexist bitch got what was coming!" She hissed.

"..." Bomby gave a hesitant glare at Puffball, "...Puffball. They were siblings."

"Well, she does sorta have a point..." Foldy leaned against the table. "Though, way too far girl."

"Uh, sorry you got a problem with MY opinions." She spoke, in a menacingly and entitled tone. She moved her hand through her hair. "That bitch was an asshole to EVERYONE and that includes his own fuckin' sister. Don't you see how fucking STUPID it is for someone to just, care for someone so goddamn shitty?!" She shouted, slamming her hands on her table which made everyone jump. There was silence in the cafeteria, as I glanced around at everyone else who had certainly noticed the commotion ongoing.

Everyone... including Ice Cube.

Ice Cube had a cup of milk in her hand, shaking as she was behind and had just made her way to pass by them. She didn't say a word, as she dropped her glass and quickly left. I wasn't able to make out her reaction, but seeing how sudden the whole ordeal was... I could only imagine she might've spilled tears from hearing what Puffball had just said about her deceased brother.

Frankly, I felt bad. Puffball didn't seem to care though, rolling her eyes and going back to eating her breakfast. It was clear Bomby was uncomfortable with the situation with Foldy just awkwardly backing away from the situation.

"...Jesus Christ," I muttered under my breath as I finished up my toast. I chose to leave, uncomfortable with the energy left behind from the conversation. I grabbed my cup of coffee, leaving the place immediately as I decided to simply enjoy my coffee in a more peaceful spot. Well, with seeing how everyone was mostly in the cafeteria, I would assume the hallways would be rather empty of life. I headed for the dormitories, humming a light tune as I approached the entrance of the hallways.

I went to take a sip of my coffee, pausing before feeling something bump into me as a bit of my coffee had spilled on the floor. I went to quickly turn around, probably taking a few steps back to distance myself. "..?"

Pillow stood there, equally as surprised as I was. She gave a light yawn, before waving. "Mm... Hi Yellow." She waved lightly. She seemed beyond tired as if she barely got any sleep to add to it all. "Erm, you alright?" I raised an eyebrow, going to step to the side as she began to approach towards me. She gave a slight nod. "...Y-Yeah! I'm just... tired." She rather calmly said, playing with her pigtails. I observed her stance, noticing how loose everything looked.

"You should probably get some rest."

"...Heading to my room right now to do that." She gave me a small thumbs-up to me. "See you later?.."

"Right." I simply tilted my head, my reading everything for her as I observed as she left off. I took a minute to gaze off longingly, before sighing. I took another sip of coffee, letting the caffeine take work of my brain as I knew there was a lot ahead of me in my path. There was no use gloating about such things though, going to walk around the first floor.

It was probably better that I didn't really interact with anyone at this time. Everyone seemed to be tense still, including myself of course.

I decided to head right for my room after my little venture around the floor. I noticed the stairs opened... Which definitely wasn't the case previously. Perhaps some of the others have already seen it? It wasn't a priority of mine right now though. I was quite comfortable with the current environment and already having to explore new territory would just be merely a pain for me.

The thought of Ice Cube's reaction to the whole thing earlier was bothering me a lot. I just... was concerned for her. She seemed to have been at her breaking point.

Well, obviously from what she was trying to fucking pull at the trial. I was just... trying to give the benefit of the doubt and hope she'd recover from all of it sooner or later. My respect for... some had lowered after that though.

Well. No big deal.

I shouldn't be thinking about stuff like that. Moving on is the best decision for, well, everyone really. We lost 2 people. Trying to prevent losing more people unless situations are dire would be ideal.

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