[1] Glad for some Mocha!

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I quickly walked out of there, probably visibly upset as I had glanced over to Tv. He had a worried expression on his face, biting his lip a little. "A-Are you alright, sir?" He went to move his hand to my shoulder, making me perk up a little. Despite my initial instinct, I didn't have the motivation or care to get him to stop touching me.

I took a deep breath. "...Yes. I'm fine." I grumbled a little. "I would prefer to not have to stay awake for who knows exactly how long but I'm certain someone is bound to snap until then," I muttered lowly, trying to speak the last part mainly to myself as I didn't want to worry the other male. Though he did seem to catch it as he gave a look of concern. "...I-I see. Perhaps we should head to the cafeteria." He suggested out loud. I watched him as he gazed off in the distance, I nodded gently to the idea. "Sounds alright for me," I smirked a little to myself underneath my mask as we walked beside each other for the cafeteria. It didn't take us particularly too long, as we managed to learn our routes to get there. The place was beginning to get familiar... Which, kinda isn't a good thing.

I held my arms as we entered into the big, mainly empty area. There wasn't a student in sight, most likely since we had left the gymnasium first. I didn't feel like heading to the kitchen after the morning's incident, so the both of us had sat down at one of the benches and began talking to each other. I listened mindlessly as Tv was introducing more about himself and where he was from. It was quite nice to hear, really... Other people's backgrounds were something that had always intrigued me, as I wondered how people came to... how they are now. 

I suppose I wonder about myself as well and look back at my past history, the events occurring at me, and whatnot.

I also sometimes wonder if what I do is a mistake or not. Due to the experiences given though, I am unfortunately inclined to act like how I do. Even if I think it's quite cold myself... It's just a method of self-defense. 

According to Tv himself, he had come from this school called Blue Bay Academy which was this elite school full of people interested in things like robotics like him. He likely was one of the best at his interests, which ended him up here. "...W-Well, I heard about this one boy who had attended this school before but apparently got suspended. I believe I've passed by him a few times, I-I can't recall his name though." He frowned a little. "I-I'm not certain how he was let back in, actually..." He trailed off, running his finger against the edge of the table. Listening to what he had to say interested me. "...Huh? Somebody who got suspended?" I raised an eyebrow, "When did he come back?"

"...Er." He shrugged a little. "I-It's all a blur." He rubbed the back of his head a little awkwardly. "A-Apologies!"

"No, no... It's alright." I bit my lip, mildly upset at the lack of information. It was something, but not enough. If anything it gave me far more questions than answers... Though, I would push that to the side for now. It was something I would prefer to research on when I had more information or something else. "Hm..."

"Hey." A voice suddenly spoke out, making both of us turn. I flinched a little, frowning at the sudden intrusion of thoughts. Pie gave a blank expression, holding 2 mugs that were letting off a bit of warm steam. "Do you want some coffee?" She offered, going to place them down and slide them over to us. I nodded as I went to lift my mask to reveal my mouth to enjoy the steaming hot beverage, thanking her with a small mutter as I began to taste the bitterness of the coffee down my throat. It felt welcoming. I was being careful to not burn my tongue off as I glanced over across from me and noticed Tv pushing the coffee away. "Is something wrong?"

"Hm? O-Oh, no... I don't drink coffee normally, that's all." Pie shrugged a little. "Suit yourself." I frowned. "...But at least drink at least some to make sure you can last all night. For me?" I cocked my head to the side, trying to give a reassuring smile as I put down my mug. It wasn't very often he could see my mouth, so I decided to take a little bit of an advantage of it for once. Tv chuckled at my attempt to cheer him up, nodding. "Mmm... Yes, yes... I-If you do insist." He seemed reluctant but tried to keep a small and soft smile as he went ahead and sipped lightly at the dark liquid contained in the mug. He twitched a bit, wincing at the taste. "A-Ah... I'm... certainly not used to it." He weakly murmured.

I didn't respond as I went ahead to finish my coffee, wanting to get it done as soon as possible. Which took a bit of time due to how hot the coffee was when given to me, not exactly a complaint though. "You don't need to finish it, Tv." I insisted, watching as he seemed to pucker up at the mere taste of the bitter coffee. I figured there wasn't much put into it and he wasn't quite used to the taste as I was. 

"...A-Are you sure?"

"Of course. Why are you so concerned about it anyway?"

"...W-Well I-" He began, stammering and trying to find the words. I noticed him glance over to Pie, who was drinking her own coffee as he quickly shook his head. "N-Nothing. I'll just not finish it if you're alright with that then." He huffed, as he went to push away the mug. He seemed quite cautious when pushing it away. I didn't give it much thought as I went to lower my mask. I looked over to them, giving a small nod as I announced my departure.

The two didn't seem to mind, but something at the corner of my eye noticed that Tv was being a lot more fidgety and twitchy... Maybe suggesting for him to drink coffee was a bad idea. Perhaps he'll feel better once it's morning, I'd just have to see. I knew sleeping was not an option, but feeling amused from my quite awake state, I knew that finding what I could exactly do stuck in my room alone would be a difficult feat. I'll manage though, perhaps leaving my thoughts to wonder or pretending to daydream about the real world... I never truly thought it'd be a privilege.

Well, it was only considering that the only way it'd be stripped from me was prison. Which, I guess I sorta am. A much more cruel and deceiving prison... Ugh, why am I trying to be metaphorical? I guess my thoughts really do wonder when I have far too much time on my hands.

Hopefully, the next day will be better for everyone.

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