i have got you (d.d.)

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TW: alcohol addiction

Three hours. You had been acting like this for three hours. Tossing then turning. Shivering then sweating. Hallucinating and then suddenly flinching at things that weren't there.

This wasn't unexpected, however. Damiano had read up on this kind of a thing before he basically forced you to sober up.

Alcohol withdrawals.

It was a painful sight for Damiano to see. Seeing anyone struggle in the way you were in that moment wouldn't be easy for anyone.

"Please!" You sobbed. "Please! One last drink! Please, get me through this! Please!"

You kept repeating this to yourself as you continued to push the covers on and off of your body. It was only an hour ago when you wouldn't stop pulling at your own clothes, so it seemed your body didn't know how to find a comfortable temperature.

Typical of patients like this. Damiano had read about that in a book Marta had slipped him when they found you blacked out in a hotel bathtub in Ibiza last month.

Damiano cupped his hand over his own mouth as he slid his back down the wall. While he was well-researched on the topic, he'd come to realize that reading about something like this is different from when it's actually happening in front of you.

Damiano was too afraid to touch you, though he feared he was becoming more like everyone else as every second passed.

Everyone else had left you, giving up on your when you couldn't make it through A.A., or when you couldn't figure out a way to sober up yourself. Ethan almost convinced Marta to drop your contract in the band -- which, when you found that out,, your addiction spiraled further.

But Damiano always stood by your side. He always believed in your sobering up. He'd hold your hair back when you would wake in the middle of the night, throwing up. Every time, he swore he'd never seen anyone that sick, but every time you were sicker than the last. Damiano was also always the first one to drive you home after you'd been out too late, and couldn't see straight.

Damiano was always there for you.

Damiano bit his tongue, squeezing his own eyes shut to keep his tears away as he listened to you cry, thrashing about the mattress. But suddenly, your sobs went silent.

Damiano cautiously opened his eyes, looking over to you, his girlfriend, who now seemed to be asleep. The blankets and sheets were strewn around, some being halfway up your legs, some being halfway off the mattress entirely.

Damiano slowly approached you, and soon noticed you were violently shivering. He acted quickly, pulling the lightest weight blanket over your entire body. He very gently kissed your cheek. A thin sheet of sweat covered the back of your neck.

Damiano took a few deep breaths, his feet carrying him to the master bathroom where he gripped the edge of the sink. He forced every image of you in pain out of his mind.

No, Damiano, this is good for (Y/N). She'll be okay. She'll make it. Then she can turn her life around. He thought to himself.

Damiano choked out a few silent sobs of his own, leaning down gently to splash some cold water over his face. He didn't know how long this would last.

Water from the sink mixed with the tears on his face, leaving his skin in a burning state he really didn't love, but it didn't matter right now. You mattered right now.

He slowly returned to the bedroom, where you were now back awake, clutching your knees to your chest as you rocked back and forth.

"One more drink, Damiano, please." You cried. You didn't stop muttering your request as Damiano slowly wrapped you.in a hug.

You, though usually not one for super tight hugs, uncharacteristically latched onto Damiano's body.

Damiano bit back his own tears once more as you kept mumbling, asking him for one last swallow, one last taste of any drink he could find.

"You're going to be okay, baby. You're going to make it through this." He whispered in return, trying to counter your thoughts.

Your body continued to shake more violently, making Damiano hold your tighter. "No, no, Damiano, please."

"Listen to me. I love you, and I will fight for you. You are going to be okay, I promise. I have got you." Damiano coaxed, trying to calm you as much as he was trying to calm himself. "I have got you."



TO BE ALONE: a series of måneskin oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now