Chapter 4 - Disobedience. 

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You never liked mornings, especially at New Hope. An old woman named Holly used to do rounds at the manor, knocking loudly on each door to wake people, and remind them that breakfast was soon. Mornings at New Hope were always grey, and far from enjoyable.

You had soon come to find that the pattern continued back at home. Every morning, at seven o'clock exactly, your mother was barging into your new bedroom, shaking you awake. She would always make sure to insult you while at it, bragging about how she had already been awake for hours, and all the things she had accomplished in those hours.

You were glad to at least have proper food to eat for breakfast these days. You and Rose had quickly grown close, always sharing whispered secrets over breakfast, and scolding your mother behind her back. It felt nice to have a friend in such an unfamiliar and unwelcoming home.

"Good morning, Rose." You spoke softly, pattering into the kitchen, wearing a pair of pyjamas you had borrowed from your mother.

You found Rose standing at the stove, still dressed in that ridiculous 'uniform' (as your mother called it). You could smell bacon, the crackling sound of oil filling your ears. Your eyes flickered over to the fresh orange juice that sat ready on the countertop.

"Morning. Did you have a good sleep?" Rose asked you, glancing over her shoulder as she watched you fill a glass with sweet orange liquid.

You gave her a small smile. You weren't sure how to tell her that you had spent most of your nights dreaming of your new boss, and secretary fantasizes, as of late. So instead, you gave her a simple answer.

"It was good, thank you for asking." You answered, bringing your tall glass to your lips. You took a few sips, sighing at the sugary sourness.

"I haven't seen you in a while. I assume your new job is keeping you busy?" She asks, poking at a piece of sizzling bacon on the pan with her fork.

You stifle a small huff. "You could say that," you pause, "I'm just trying my best to get used to it all. My new boss is definitely a handful." You add.

You watch her brows raise. "Well, I know a thing or two about having a difficult boss." She teased. You couldn't help but laugh softly at that.

   "There is no comparing my mother to my boss," you shot back, "He's...different. Not in a bad way, or even a good way, just in a weird way."

   You watched as she plated the cooked bacon, sliding it towards you. You thanked her, beginning to pick at the greasy bacon strip. You suddenly didn't have much appetite — you blamed it on your mind that ran rampant with thoughts of Kylo.

   "I'm sure he can't be that bad. Men like him, they're all the same. Money-hungry lawyers looking for a woman to sink their ego into." Rose finally sighed, hands on her hips as she watched you eat.

   You thought that could have been true about Kylo. He was demanding, brooding, and often mean. He fit the image perfectly. The only thing you were sure of was his companion status, his habits when it came to women. You were sure you would find out sooner or later, though.

"Yeah, you're probably right," you sigh, "Thank you for the breakfast." You finally spoke.

She smiled warmly, eyes crinkling. "Of course. Now, go get ready for work before you're late." She urges you.

You sighed. You knew today was going to be a long day.


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