Chapter 9 - Dinner.

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You had come to find that the dinner with your parents and Poe went a lot better then expected, but you gave credit to Poe for making it somewhat bearable.

The four of you had gone to Villa Cornella, a high-end restaurant that your parents frequented often. With tall ceilings and marble floors, light fixtures dripping with jeweled dewdrops dimly lit the lavish restaurant. The four of you were greeted by a finely dressed hostess at the entrance, and she even offered to take your coat - to which you politely obliged.

When the four of you had been seated at a large table, you were surprised to find that a stack of menus already sat ready, with a basket of fresh bread, and a bottle of unopened wine - no doubt worth thousands and aged wonderfully. A silken tablecloth draped the table, and a burning candelabra sat in the middle of the table. You merely looked away, trying to swallow down the temptation that had quickly grown in you.

Thankfully, Poe had taken a seat beside you, leaving your mother and father to sit opposite of the table. The two of you had only been inches away from each other, and you could smell hints of his cologne. Today, he was dressed in grey slacks and a practically-sheer white dress shirt. He had rolled the sleeves to his elbows, revealing his veined forearms. Again, you tired your best to avert your eyes.

You felt a sort of nerve sitting at the table with Poe and your parents. Mainly because it wasn't apparent to you why Poe had been invited to dinner in the first place, but also because of the last words Kylo had spoken to you before you left the office - Try not to kiss anymore men, if you can. It didn't help that a dazzling bottle of wine sat in arms reach of you.

"I just wanted to thank you guys for inviting me out for dinner again, this place looks spectacular." Poe thanked, a small smile on his face. Your mother hummed in agreement.

"Oh, it's really no big deal, Poe. I thought that it would give us all a chance to get to know you better, especially now that you're going to be working for my husband." she responds.

Your head quickly snaps to the side to look at Poe, eyes widening. "You didn't tell me that you were working for my father," you spoke quickly, "I had no idea you even worked in law."

Poe gave you a sheepish look. "It must have slipped my mind. I ended up attending law school while were at New Hope. I would have told you, but-" he began.

"Do you guys want to order? I'm famished." Your mother quickly said, cutting Poe off. New Hope was a topic she was not fond of speaking about.

You looked at Poe for a moment longer, finally averting your eyes when your silent father handed you one of the leather-back menu's. You opened the thick booklet, scanning the various options. After a few minutes of everyone conversing about the different dishes they had to offer, everyone came to a conclusion with what they wanted, and a waitress soon appeared by the table.

The waitress was a slim woman with dark slicked hair, dressed in fitting slacks and a crisp blouse. She was quick to greet everyone with a smile. "Good evening, everyone. I'll be taking your orders today - do you guys want to start off with something to drink?" she asked.

Your mother was quick to speak. "Yes, could we get some glasses for the wine? We'll only be needing three." You felt her eyes travel to you, and you swallowed hard.

"Of course, I'll get that right away. Would you also like some water?" the waitress asks.

   "That would be wonderful." Your mother answered warmly, a smile tugging at her lips and eyes narrowed. She quickly dismissed the waitress with a mere glance.

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