Chapter 13 - Research.

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To be Dominant by definition; controlling or being more powerful or important than all others .

It was true that the definition was true to Kylo's character. The word was heavy on the tip of your tongue, and now that you knew was Kylo was, you couldn't stop thinking of the word.

You had a day off the next day, and you decided to do some research. You needed to know what Kylo wanted, what he did to other women. You needed to know if you were ever willing to do those things as well.

Locking yourself in your room and then plugging in your earbuds, the first place you looked was porn sites. You thought it would be a good start to look there first, so you could get an accurate image of what it may look like in real life. Quickly, you realized you had not prepared yourself for what you would find.

The videos you briefly skimmed through ranged anywhere from spanking and "punishments'", to women hanging from ceilings by rope, using odd looking toys and leather. Despite all the videos being drastically different, there was a theme that was the same through all of them; control.

The roles were all the same in these videos; a helpless woman begging and pleading, crying out in painful pleasure, while the men spat on them, cursed, said whatever they pleased, and most of all, did whatever they wanted.

You tried to imagine Kylo in these scenarios — it wasn't hard. You wondered how he even knew of stuff like this, where he learned it, why he liked it. But then again, he was naturally a control freak, so it would only make sense that it would translate into his sex life.

You wondered if Rey Skywalker had been like the women in these videos, her body restrained in rope bondage, her skin turning red from the pain inflicted upon it, letting Kylo do whatever he pleased to her body. You questioned how a woman could like something like that, it being so degrading.

You knew what these women in the videos were, and what Rey Skywalker was, and most of all, what you were; Submissive.

Curiosity peaked, you clear the porn site tabs on your phone and began to type in "What is a dominant?" Into the search bar. Quickly, thousands of results came up in the matter of seconds.

It was then that you found the word for what this kind of sex was called, the kind of sex where women hung from ceilings and cried for help while men had their way without a care — BDSM.

BDSM by definition; sexual activity involving such practices as the use of physical restraints, the granting and relinquishing of control, and the infliction of pain. BDSM refers to a range of sexual preferences that generally relate to enjoyment of physical control, psychological control, and/or pain.

You clicked on one of the sites, and found an article explaining this kind of relationship, and the roles. Then, you found out that after these 'scenes' with those submissive women and violent men, there was something called aftercare. You were comforted slightly knowing that these men at least had the decency to check up on the women they practically abused after sex.

With all of this new information, the dots began to connect once more. You felt relieved that you finally understood Kylo somewhat. All of this offered an explanation for a lot of his behaviour. For the first time, you felt like you actually knew him in a way, despite this aspect being the most intimate of a person.

You sigh quietly to yourself, clearing the tab. Just as you were about to clock off your phone, a notification dinged, and you saw that Poe had texted. You realized that you had completely forgotten to reply to his text the day before.

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