Chapter 15 - Tamed.

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Keeping your hands to yourself.

   That was something you struggled with, even from when you were in elementary school. Whether it was taking toys, handling bottles of alcohol, touching others, it was deemed a difficult task for you.

That task was especially hard when it was Kylo Ren that you were trying to keep your hands off of.

The night before, you could hardly sleep, the idea of your dinner date with Kylo the next night keeping you awake. Work the next day was even harder, but work wasn't the only thing that had been hard — Kylo could account for that too.

You had started the morning off by dropping your bag and coat at the front desk, dressed in the best outfit you could find; a form fitting pencil skirt, a pair of borrowed heels that you had stole from your mothers closet, and a short-sleeved blouse, the shoulders puffed.

It wasn't long until Kylo was drawn out of his office, making way down the hall at the sound of your arrival. You leaned against the front desk, arms crossed over your chest. He appeared at the hallway entrance, eyes searching for you. Then, they found you.

   You watched as he sucked in a sharp breath between his teeth, eyes flickering up and down your form. You could see his chest rise and fall quicker with each breath now. And although on the outside, he seemed as apathetic and collected as ever, you knew on the inside, he was just a stirred and erratic as you had been feeling.

   "Morning, boss." You said ever so casually, as if the circumstances weren't different now.

   "Good morning," he managed out with the slightest waver in his voice, "Sleep well?" He offered in small conversation.

   You smiled small, standing at full height once more. "I guess you could say that. And you?" You returned.

   As you made your way to the small coffee station, Kylo followed you closely one toe, his footsteps landing with a hard thump with each stride of his legs. You almost felt as if you were being hunted, and it caused you to pick up your pace the slightest. Excitement hung in the air above you.

   "Slept like a baby." He answered.

   You felt a certain relief wash over you at his response. It appeared as if the arrangement the two of you had made somehow lightened his mood permanently. He was no longer that malicious and demanding attorney you had first met. He was calmer now, more collected. You had tamed him.

   "That's good to hear," you continued, "What's the schedule for today?" You asked, reaching over to the counter where you started the coffee machine, the large machine humming to life.

   "I have an important call to take later this morning with my lawyer, and then I need to finish some documents," he paused for a moment, "And then after work, I'm going to a dinner date."

   You smiled, looking over your shoulder at him with raised brows. "A date? She must be a lucky lady, whoever she is." You playfully teased.

   You looked back over your shoulder once more, eyes narrowing at the tall shelf that the mugs sat on. A mischievous smile grew on your face, and you raised yourself on your tip-toes, pretending as if you couldn't reach the shelf, even though you were in heels.

   "If you don't mind, could you help me reach that mug? The shelf is too high." You asked of Kylo.

   You couldn't read the expression on his face, and you had hoped he hadn't seen through your act. Regardless, he obliged, stepping towards you to retrieve the mug, lifting an arm above his head to do so. Innocent as ever, you brushed your backside against his crotch, quickly apologizing with a cheeky blush, as if it had been an accident.

SECRETARY- Kylo Ren.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant