Chapter 12 - Violent.

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When you had first gotten to New Hope, they had taken your phone, among other things.

Your introduction to the manor was a strip search. You remembered being in tears, half-awake, quite literally dragged out of your apartment and shoved into a car, not being told where you were going or who the people who had taken you were. After being searched head to toe while nude, you were forced to hand over your little belongings on you; phone, purse, keys.

You liked to think that this was one of the first things that started your disconnection from society once you were at New Hope. With no phone, you had nobody to call, no way to check current events, no way to know what health guru was eating for breakfast, which Instagram dog went viral. You were practically in the Stone Age once more.

   You remembered watching the news on the shitty and faded box TV that sat in one of the common rooms of the Manor. The only channels that were allowed was the news and the fish channel, where you could watch hours upon hours of fish swimming around in tanks or the sea or wherever it was recorded.

You weren't exactly sure where your phone had gone, because when you were released, you never got it back with your belongings. So, with your new monthly pay check from your secretary position, you decided to buy a new one.

It wasn't anything fancy, and the model was a few years old, but you figured it was better then nothing. Your mother was quick to put her number into your phone when you came back home with it, excited that she had yet another way to pester you.

But truthfully, the real reason why you got a phone was not to stay connected to the world around you, but to have contact with Poe. After a bit of asking around, you got his number from your father, to which you happily thanked him for.

You had first sent him a text on your way to work, simply saying hello and that it was you texting. A mix of anxiety and excitement bubbled in your stomach as you waited in anticipation for his response. You couldn't stop thinking about the night you had spent with him.

It was when you arrived at the office that your new phone dinged with a notification. Checking it, you saw that he had texted back.

"Hello, stranger."

"Good to know you got a phone. Now you can't avoid me."

You couldn't hide the smile that beamed on your face. You barely looked as you set your coat and bag down by the front desk, leaning against the top of it as you quickly typed out a response.

"And why would I avoid you, especially after the night we spent together?"

You hoped what you had answered with wasn't too cringe-worthy. It had been a few good months since you had texted anyone, let alone used a phone. Not to mention the dry spell that those few months of rehab had put you through — you weren't exactly on top of your flirting game.

Moments later, a text bubble came up under your response.

"I could ask the same thing. I got worried you were avoiding me, after all, it wasn't like you had a phone to text me."

You bit the inside of your cheek, typing a few different responses and then erasing them. Your attention was pulled away from the phone in your hands when you heard a familiar man clear his throat, presence lingering.

Looking up from your phone, you saw Kylo standing at the hallway entrance, face studious as ever. His inky brows were knit as he watched you gleefully type away at your new phone. He seemed puzzled at the sight, but quickly changed his expression to a hard one when your eyes met his.

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