Chapter 20 - Drunken Fool.

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By the time Kylo woke the next morning, his ex-wife was gone.

The morning had started off silent and solemn per usual. He had gotten out of bed, heading straight to the shower where he then lathered himself in Dior Sauvage shower gel and cleaned his long inky hair with Ten Voss shampoo. After, he stepped out of the shower and proceeded with his usual morning routine; shave, brush teeth, oil to soothe the freshly shaven skin, a dab of Tom Ford Neroli Portofino.

Towel on waist, he retreated back to his bedroom, where he surveyed the mess he had made of his bed the night before - blankets strewn, pillows tossed on the floor, a bra lingering on the beside nightstand. He chose to ignore it for the moment, moving to his walk-in closet where he then dressed himself.

He found this routine rather therapeutic, especially after his long night. His mind was full of thoughts, and he found it difficult to rid of them. All he could focus on was you, and his plan to apologize for the events of yesterday. He was hoping you could find it in your heart to understand and forgive him.

After eating and cleaning his dishes, his phone rang in his pocket, and a small part of him hoped that it was you calling -- only to find it was your father calling instead.

He attempted to collect himself, staring at the ringing phone in his hand. Kylo found it odd, working alongside your father without him having a single knowing of what he was doing to his daughter.

He swiftly answered the call, holding the device to his ear. With his other hand, he leaned against the marble island of his spacious kitchen.

"Kylo speaking." He spoke as emotionless as he could into the phone.

"Kylo, good to hear from you -- it's near impossible to reach you these days." Your father spoke warmly into the phone.

Kylo bit the inside of his cheek for a moment, turning so that his back was against the countertop now. "Apologies, my schedule has been packed as of late. Legal disputes and all that." He explained vaguely.

   Kyle could hear a deep chuckle emit from the other end of the phone.

   "Well, you know how the job is," your father agreed, "Listen, I was thinking of having some of the team over – I got the barbecue going already, drinks in the cooler..."

   Kylo knew where this was going. Typically, he was quick to decline invitations to these sort of things, as he was usually too busy and hardly interested, but somehow the chance of you being there was making the idea a little more convincing.

   "Mhm," Kylo hummed, a deep exhale coming from his nose, "I don't know, I would have to put off my clients for the day..." he lied.

   Kylo had already sworn to take the day off anyway, as he had better plans; chasing you down and making things right. But, he would still politely pretend he was busy if it meant hearing your pathetic excuse of a father beg for his company.

   "C'mon, Ren, just stay for a drink if you're really that busy." Your father added.

   Kylo was still for a moment, eyes searching the floor in front of him for a moment. After some thought, he sighed, giving in.

   "Fine," Kylo agreed, "I'll be there. Will my secretary be attending as well?"

   He knew it was dangerous to bring you up to your father, even in such a sensible moment like this. He had had his own past with your father, and was on thin ice as it was.

   There was a pause. "Possibly," your father spoke flatter into the phone now, "The girls were gonna help make the food and such."

   Kylo couldn't help but feel his heart get warmer in his chest. He was dead-set on seeing you, making things right, apologizing. Although this was extremely out of character for him, and he knew that, he didn't care — he couldn't lose you, not now that everything had happened. One more slip up with another secretary and the thin ice he's standing on would crack under his feet and drown him.

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