Chapter 2

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Bella's pov

Once I got to the door I took a breath and removed my hand from my face and I smiled trying to forget the pain coming from my face and I opened the door and as I opened the door I saw 2 men standing there in army uniforms and I gasped and I was kinda confused because I didn't know what they wanted.

So then I said yes can I help you and the army men said yes I am Major Evan Lorne and my colleague Dr Daniel Jackson and we are here looking for a Miss Bella Swan and so I gulped and said well you have found her may I ask what this is about and Dr Jackson said could we come in and talk to you and your parents please.

Then I thought about it for a minute and said yes sure and I moved over to the side and I said come on in and so then the army men walked into my house and went into the living room as I closed the door and followed them in and so then I walked over to the couch and I sat down as the men stood in front of me.

So then I said now can I ask what this is about and Major Lorne said where are your parents Miss Swan and then before I could speak my mom and dad walked into the room and then my dad said we are right here now answer the girls question please and Dr Jackson said yes of course sir.

Then Major Lorne said well Mr and Mrs Swan we need to know does Miss Swan know the truth and my parents both gasped and said no she doesn't and then Dr Jackson said well I'm afraid she needs to know so either you tell her or we will and at this point I was so confused so I said looking at my parents what truth.

So then my mom said Bella baby girl me and Charlie aren't your real parents your really parents are called John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir and I gasped and stood up and said what you have lied to me and Charlie said we only did it to protect you because we were told by your parents not to tell you until the time comes.

Then I said oh so now is the time so you mean I have been beaten black and blue my whole life by you Charlie and I didn't even need to stay here to endure it and both Dr Jackson and Major Lorne gasped and said excuse me beaten and I said yes all Charlie has done all my life is beat me and Renee.

So the Major Lorne said well then Charlie you just wait until Sheppard here's about that he will have you killed and Charlie gulped and I just smiled and then Renee said why are you are Major and the Major said we are here because Bella's father has trusted us to bring Bella home to him and Elizabeth.

Then I gasped as the Major lifted out a document and had it to Renee and then she opened it and started crying and she said Bella you must go upstairs and pack immediately and I said what no way I'm not leaving just because some man named Sheppard want's me to I don't even know him.

So then Dr Jackson said Bella you have no choice and I said what what do you mean no choice of course I do and Renee said no baby girl you don't and she handed me the letter she was handed by Major Lorne and she looked at me and said read it sweetie and then go pack because no matter what you have no choice.

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