Chapter 10

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Bella's pov

As the machine was hovering over my whole body I relaxed against the table I was lying on as the X-ray machine scanned me and as soon as it scanned me Dr Beckett pulled it away and he walked over to my mom and started talking to her in a low voice and sometime I heard my mom gasp and then I saw her crying and I said as I sat up on the bed mom what's wrong and my mom said as she walked over to me and sat beside me nothing baby.

So then Dr Beckett said Bella it shows on the X-ray that you have 4 broken ribs and 2 broken bones in your left arm and I said ok but I'll be ok right and Dr Beckett said as he walked over to me with bandages yes you will be but I need to rap your ribs up and I said ok fine and I lifted my top back up and I watched as Dr Beckett rap my ribs up as tight as he could even though I was in so much pain from him doing it.

Then Dr Beckett said ok Bella that should do it and I said ok thank you but what about my arm and Dr Beckett said Bella there's nothing I can do for your arm you need to just give it time to heal the best you can and so I said ok Dr Beckett thank you and Dr Beckett said your welcome Bella and then he walked away and then my mom looked at me and said I am so glad you ok sweetie.

So then I said yeah me to mom and then I heard the medical room doors open and I saw a man and woman walk in and they smiled at me as they did and then they walked over to my mom and the woman said Dr Weir we have a problem and my mom said what what is it and the man said the wraith is inside Atlantis and I gulped and said mom what is the wraith and my mom said something very dangerous baby.

Then my mom touched my leg and said baby girl I have to go but can you promise to listen to Teyla and Ronon while I'm gone and I said yes mom I promise and my mom said good Bella thank you and then she turned around and looked at Teyla and Ronon and she said take her to her room and do not leave my daughter alone do you both understand me and both Teyla and Ronon said yes ma'am and my mom said ok good.

As soon as my mom said that she turned and walked out of the medical room and walked to the control room I think and so then Ronon said ok Bella let's go and I took a breath and I stood up and I said ok fine and then me, Teyla and Ronon all walked out of the medical room and we walked down long hallways until we got to my room and then Teyla said so what age age you Bella and I said 15 and Teyla said oh that's a good age.

So then Ronon said so how do you like Atlantis so far and I said it's good except from what I've heard about all the trouble going on around here and Teyla said well that's not the only thing that goes on around here and I said yeah I know but still and then Ronon said yeah well when we get to your room you are to go in and get some rest until your parents come back ok and I said ok fine and then we continued to walk to my room.

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