Chapter 8

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Bella's pov

Once I screamed my mom let go of me and backed away and then my dad said what Bella what's wrong and I said try to change the subject nothing it was just mom hugged me to tight and I don't like being hugged as it is and then Major Lorne said no I don't think that is it Colonel and my dad said what do you mean Major.

So then Lorne said well when me and Dr Jackson went to her house to get her we heard screaming and when we saw her mother she was black and blue and my dad gasped and looked at me and said is that true and I said um ah I and my mom said answer your father Bella and I said yes it's true and I started crying everyday when Charlie came home from work he would with hit me or hit Renee.

Then when he started he wouldn't stop I was kept over night in the hospital 5 times because of him and then both my mom and dad gasped and said oh Bella and they pulled me into a hug and as they did they both hugged me to tight again and I gasped from the pain coming from my ribs and both my parents backed away from me.

So then my mom said ok that's it I can't stand to see you hurt anymore I mean we only just got you back and then she looked up at the man up in the control room and said Dr McCay is Dr Beckett in his office and Dr McCay said yes Elizabeth he is and my mom said ok thank you and then my dad said ok Bella let's go and then my mom said Major Lorne there is a team in the main land searching for survivors from a wraith attack so could you please go join them and help them get the survivors back here.

Then Major said yes ma'am I will go right away and he walked back into the alien thing as it lit up again and then my dad said ok let's go Bella and I said ok dad and so then me, my mom and my dad all walked out of the main room and through a hallway until we got to the medical room from what I could tell it was.

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