Just fun paring Imagines

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Clark: "Truth or dare?" 

Bruce: *exasperated* "Truth." 

Clark: "Do you want to kiss me?" 

Bruce: "Dare." 

Clark: *Leans in.* "I dare you to kiss me." 

Bruce: "Never have I ever-" 

Clark: "ThAT's NOt ThE gAMe!" 

Dick: "I have very high standards. I only fall in love with graceful-" 

Wally: *Stumbles into the room, knocking over a vase, startling two cats, and landing flat on his face*

Dick: "..." 

Dick: "I want that one." 

Damian: *Staring deadpan into the camera with a microphone in hand* "And here we see the endangered Tim in their natural habitat."

Tim: *Falls down the stairs, spilling his cereal everywhere.* 

Damian: "Natural selection is coming for this specimen." 

Tim: *Does something cute*

Jason: *Under his breath* "I'm in love with you." 

Tim: "What was that?" 

Jason: "I said I'M SELLING YOU TO THE ZOO!" 

Jon: "Don't."

Damian: "Don't what?" 

Jon: "Don't kill him." 

Damian: "I wasn't gonna kill him. I was just thinking about ways to kill him." 

Jon: "And?" 

Damian: "And I came up with 478 methods. Y'know just in case." 

Roy: "I can fit the whole word in my hands."

Jason: "No, that's impossible." 

Roy: *Cups Jason's face*

Jason: *Blushes furiously*


Jason: "Get off me, I have a reputation." 

Dick: "Be nice!"

Jason: "I am!" 

Dick: "You threatened them with a knife."

Jason: "Well, yeah, but I didn't stab them." 

Jason and Tim arguing. 

Tim: "Y'know what? Fu*k you!"

Jason: "I already did!" 

Tim: "..." 

Jason: "-and I did it real good."

Tim: "..."

Tim: "You did." 

Tim: *Stubs toe* *Trips over chair* *Drops can on foot* *Hits bedpost for the millionth time*

Conor: *Saying this from behind a newspaper.* "And I thought living with you would be boring…" 

Tim: *Eyes watering* *choked whisper* "You're a jackass." 

Dick: *Is alone* 

Dick: "I'm bored now." *Calls Kori.* 

Kori: *Over phone* "Hello?" 

Dick: "I'm bored and Wally is out."

Kori: "So? You can just call him." 

Dick: "I've tried that, he won't pick up." 

Wally: *Slowly opens bathroom door* "Dick, I was in the shower." 


Jason: "We're just…" 

Roy: "Working…" 

Jason: "Yes! We were just working...together...independently…" 

Kori: "So...you two work without your clothes on?" 

*Tim and Jason are glaring at each other* 

Dick: "Do you smell that?" 

Damian: *Sniffs the air* "What?" 

Dick: *Points to Tim and Jason* "The smell of sexual tension in the air." 


Tim: "I've slept so little I can now officially smell colors." 

Dick: "How are you still alive?" 

Tim: "That's the question I've been asking every day." 

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