(1) Black And White

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(Song for chapters will be on bottom)

'Even the most revolting things can become intriguing if portrayed beautifully.'

~Jimin's POV~

I flinch as I hear the whip echo among still air, no one daring to turn their head as another unknown man screams in agony.

I feel a familiar heat lining my eyes as I see him bow in pain, continuing to walk as fast as I can to escape the inevitable sound of his screams.

My head is kept low, the act being an attempt to keep the town folks from seeing my obvious distress in the situation. We weren't suppose to cry for them, no one ever did, but how could you not when a person you didn't know was being tortured right before your eyes.

They didn't do it often, only when a person of the church committed something that was considered a crime. Stealing, not showing up at church, committing acts that suggest protest against the Bible, the list went on and on.

He must've done something decently horrible to be punished in front of the entire town though. They only did that when they wanted to make a statement.

And you would a fool to think people didn't gather around to watch..

The place my parents had sent me to was across the railroad tracks, so I had to go through the center of the town to get there. It was a place I usually avoided for this particular reason, but to get food it was inevitable.

Usually I could just get it by the house, but we had been going through a supply shortage because of stealing.

'Probably some of the outsiders.' I think, flinching once more as I hear the whip crack through the air.

They always seemed to get into trouble weather it was one way or another. Stealing our supplies to get food, using our equipment to build, taking our wood to stay warm, or even just mocking us from across the tracks.

"Why do they hate us so much." I used to ask my mother, but would only get a basic answer of her blaming it on 'jelousy.'

"Why do they not believe in god." I would continue, but would only get scolded for the annoyance of my curiosity.

She had always been very strict about how many questions I asked..

I put the thought aside with a frown, letting blonde hair frame my face as I quicken my speed to the tracks. My hands start to sweat as I see their side of town start to appear.

You could see the difference between our sides like night and day. Ours being much more wealthy and put together, while theirs was obviously rougher and less strict about their way of living.

'I wish we could help them.' I think, frowning as I see some of houses looking like their about to fall apart. They weren't completely poor, there were still people in that area who looked like one of us. They just acted different, wore darker clothing.

'Why?' I ask myself.

The stores here always had good food though, which is why it confused me why they stole ours, but it was a good place to buy from non the less.

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