welcome to Kamp Kaeger

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Friday, November 12th, 2021, 3:49 pm, Kamp Kaeger

Kamp Kaeger....Kamp Kaeger is a school for kids who come from families with powers, there are 6 families in our world. You have the Chimera family, the Siren family, the Minotaur family, the Archangel family, the Manticore family, and...the Gorgon family. The Gorgons are most hated because of Medusa being a Gorgon. One thing about me: I grew up in a Minotaur family but I don't look like any of them. Also, today is my first day at Kamp Kaeger and it's already off to a wonderful start (I'm being sarcastic by the way).

Girl #1: Hey, Clau!

Clau: Do I know you?

Girl #1: Nope but you do now, Texcean Gacy, Member of the Archangel family!

Texcean Gacy: So why don't you look like the rest of your family?

Girl #2: I'm pretty sure that's a very personal thing, Texcean.

Texcean Gacy: Who are you?

Girl #2: Brielle Bassett, Member of the Manticore Family.

Texcean Gacy: Thanks for the introduction but you can move along now.

Brielle Bassett: Texcean, I've heard about you. Daughter of Chyou Fen Gacy and Cecil Gacy, most feared Archangels, I wonder why you turned out like you did.

Texcean Gacy: What's that supposed to mean?

Brielle Bassett: Well, everyone knows Archangels are protectors and well you and your parents are the opposite, you think you're better than the other kids here but you're not.

While Texcean and Brielle are arguing I see these two girls out in the field fighting out of the corner of my eye. I can't say it isn't exciting to see a fight on the first day but it's different here.

Clau: Lookout in the field!

Texcean Gacy: huh?

Clau: Lookout in the field!

Brielle Bassett: That's Pam Shawcross and Samantha Grace Sutcliffe.

Clau: Why are they fighting on the first day?

Brielle Bassett: Oh you know, just your classic Siren vs Chimera fight.

Brielle Bassett: It's kinda a tradition for them to fight on the first day now that I think about it.

I turn around to see Samantha Grace trying to cut me with a hunter's knife, I scoot back off the ground and run. I look back as I'm running to see Samantha Grace chasing me. I pick up my sword off the ground, Samantha Grace screams at me.

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: Maybe the Chimeras can claim another Siren body today.

Pam Shawcross: The fact that you see that as an achievement disgusts me.

Brielle Bassett: Pam Shawcross is a member of the Siren family and Samantha Grace Sutcliffe is a member of the Chimera family. These two families have been at war for centuries ever since Aurel Ajani, a member of the Chimera family killed Lilith Ezera, a member of the Siren family.

Clau: Oh

After Samantha Grace screams at me she throws her knife. I feel her knife brush my ear.

Pam Shawcross: Did you just throw a knife at me?

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: It sure looks that way, doesn't it.

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: What? Are you gonna do something about it?
All I can say is that the fight didn't seem that serious for it to be between two people that hate each other.

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: Think about this moment the next time you approach me.

Pam Shawcross: This isn't over!

Clau: I think we need to leave now!

Texcean Gacy: No way I wanna see this.

Brielle Bassett: Me too.

Texcean Gacy: I bet you would love to be friends.

Brielle Bassett: Don't flatter yourself, Texcean.

Clau: We need to go, Pam is gonna turn.

Brielle Bassett: Calm down she can't turn.

Clau: Why?

Brielle Bassett: She hasn't learned how to yet, it's only the first day.

Benjamin Donovan: Calm down Samantha! Pam, Lady Carmine is waiting for you!

Clau: Who's that?

Brielle Bassett: That's Benjamin-

Texcean Gacy: That's Benjamin Donovan, his parents are some of the most powerful Manticores. Don't you just love his hair?

Brielle Bassett: Ugh

Clau: Odd question but it's.....ok.

Texcean Gacy: "Ok"?!

Clau: Yeah, It's just red.

Texcean Gacy: Yeah! Ok.

I had to do something I couldn't just let Samantha Grace Sutcliffe, a Chimera!, beat me?! no way!

Pam Shawcross: We're finishing this, Samantha!

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: It's already finished.

Benjamin Donovan: Counselor's office Now!

Pam Shawcross: Ugh!

Pam Shawcross: We're gonna finish this sooner or later!

Benjamin Donovan: Come on!

Benjamin Donovan: Everybody you can get your schedule and cabin number in the counselor's office.

Clau: I'm gonna go to the Office and get my schedule and Cabin Number.

Brielle Bassett: I'll come with you.

Texcean Gacy: Me too.

Brielle Bassett: Ugh

Texcean Gacy: Your "Hatred" towards me feels more like Jealousy.

Brielle Bassett: In Your Dreams, Texcean.

Texcean Gacy: If you weren't jealous you wouldn't have any reason to "hate" me.

Brielle Bassett: [mocks Texcean] "If you weren't jealous you wouldn't have any reason to "hate" me."

Texcean Gacy: Can we just go!

Clau: Yeah, Come on


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