sure Tia, ask somebody you just met to help you hide a body.

1 0 0

Tia Calloway: You're a lot of help Jerry

Jerry Silk: I try to be.

Jerry Silk: I'm just playing.

Tia Calloway: So you're gonna help us?

Jerry Silk: Nope.

Jerry Silk: But I do have a gift for you, let me go get it.

Jerry Silk: Here, it's a pocket knife.

Tia Calloway: Why would I need a pocket knife?

Jerry Silk: To protect yourself.

Tia Calloway: Thanks, I have to go.

Jerry Silk: Bye

Tia & Clau

Clau: Why did you need Jerry to help you hide the body??

Tia Calloway: I honestly didn't have a reason he was just the closest person to the school.

Tia Calloway: But it doesn't matter anymore because Jerry said Samantha Grace isn't dead.

Clau: I already told Brielle, Texcean, and the boys that we need help with the body so I'll ask them to meet up so we can tell them that Samantha Grace isn't dead.

Tia Calloway: Ok

Clau's Group Chat

Clau: Guys...

Sabastian Saw:?

Benjamin Donovan:?

Texcean Gacy: Huh?

Brielle Bassett: What do you need, Clau?

Clau: Can you all meet up with us at Rubys?

Brielle Bassett: Sure

Texcean Gacy: "Ok."

Sabastian Saw: Is it about the " murder"?

Clau: Yeah

Benjamin Donovan: We'll be there.


Me and Tia headed to Rubys and ordered milkshakes and fries for Brielle, Texcean and the boys, 20 minutes later they finally arrived.

Clau: Guys, over here

They walk over to us and sit down. Brielle and Sabastian seemed weirdly happy about hiding a body but For Texcean and Benjamin, it was a different story.

Brielle Bassett: What's all of this?

Clau: Just some food for you guys.

Brielle Bassett: Thanks

Clau: Ok, so there has been a change of plans.

Brielle Bassett: mm-hmm

Clau: Jerry told Pam that Samantha Grace isn't dead.

Brielle Bassett: How does he know that?

Clau: I have no idea.

Tia Calloway: Can we still kill her because she's a really bad person?

Clau: Tia, we're not killing her, well I'm not so if y'all wanna kill her that's y'all, just leave me out of it.


Sabastian Saw: I think we should kill her.

Brielle Bassett: I know right.

Clau: Why are y'all acting like we aren't a group of 13-year-olds?

Sabastian Saw: We know we're thirteen, Clau.

Clau: It sure doesn't look like it.

Tia Calloway: So, are we killing her or not?


I don't think you should kill someone just because of how they act towards you and I wasn't gonna let Tia kill anyone.


I wanted to kill Samantha Grace, she was gonna pay for chasing me with a pocket knife and throwing it at me.

Benjamin Donovan: You're not serious, are you?

Tia Calloway: Yeah I am!

Brielle Bassett: We're not killing her.

Benjamin Donovan: Look outside, guys!

Tia Calloway: Oh God.


We didn't know what to do in this situation but we couldn't assume they were here for us. Plus, Samantha isn't dead.

Benjamin Donovan: She's coming inside, dude.


The diner doorbell rings as the sheriff briskly walks in. Her hair was a light almond as opposed to my dark hair. She looks over at us and we all sink into our seats.

Sheriff: What are y'all doing outside of school?

Brielle Bassett: Umm...We got out early!

Everyone: Yeah!

Sheriff: oh ok, what school do y'all go to?

Texcean Gacy: We all go to Baylor Middle


I think we all were all about to have an anxiety attack. The sheriff put off a weird energy.

Sheriff: Oh ok, y'all have a good day!


She briskly walked with her food back to her car like she was in a hurry for something, maybe it was her anniversary or just an indoor date night with her boyfriend.

Tia Calloway: She wasn't even here for us guys

Clau: I'm gonna call Shaun to see if he knows anything.

Brielle Bassett: Put him on speaker.


We called Shaun and he answered. I couldn't tell if the news was good, bad, or both.

Clau: Shaun?

Shaun Phillip: Hey

Clau: I... I mean we have a question for you.

Shaun Phillip: Who's we? Tia, Brielle, Texcean, and Benjamin? Hey!

Sabastian Saw: and Me, Shaun Phillip!

Shaun Phillip: like I said Tia, Brielle, Texcean, and Benjamin. What do you need, Clau?

Clau: You know the fight that Pam got in today at the School?

Shaun Phillip: Yeah

Clau: did Samantha Grace ever like, get up after the fight?

Shaun Phillip: Yeah but she walked out of the school and just ran away.

Clau: Is that good or bad?

Shaun Phillip: I don't know, But also she mumbled something like I'm gonna kill someone but I don't know what name she said but I'm guessing Tia's cause yuh know.


Was I gonna die when Samantha found me? I couldn't let that happen, so I'll have to find her first.

Clau: Ok thanks, I guess, Bye now.

Clau: Guys this is good because now we don't have to kill anyone.

Clau: Plus, Pam you don't have to frame Jerry Anymore.

Sabastian Saw: What was his deal?

Brielle Bassett: It's probably because you're here.

Sabastian Saw: Whatever...

Clau: Be quiet everybody, right quick!

Clau: Tia?

Clau: Tia?

Clau: You ok?

Tia: NO!, I have Samantha Grace the psycho trying to kill me.

Clau: We don't know that for sure yet?

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