running away

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Wednesday, November 17th, 2021, 8:19 am, Sailor Cape City

Clau: [Groans]

Benjamin Donovan: Grand Rising

Clau: Get away from me!

Benjamin Donovan: Hey, Calm down.

Clau: I trusted you, Benjamin.

Pam Shawcross: It was right in front of you the whole time. Why do you think we were so quick to run away with you? It's our job to make sure you don't find out anything about yourself.

Clau: Tia, you were in on this too?

Tia Calloway: Yeah

Jerry Silk: You see, Tia is actually Sir Price's Daughter and she's from our world. Her real name is Faye Price.

Clau: What's so important about me?

Jerry Silk: Nothing Really, you're just vital for our Survival

Clau: Me? Vital for your survival? That can't be right.

Jerry Silk: I thought the same thing

Clau: Where are Brielle and Texcean?

Jerry Silk: They are on their way to what they think is Kamp Kaeger but we decided to send them to Sir Price.

Tia Calloway Faye Price: They're in for a real treat.

Clau: Why'd you send them there?

Jerry Silk: They will have their memories erased and they will continue on as students of Maine Pol, our Rival Camp.

Clau: How do you know they won't just do something to trigger those memories?

Jerry Silk: I don't


I began to look around for something to cut the rope with.

Jerry Silk: There's no point in trying to find a way out.

Clau: I wasn't trying to find a way out.

Jerry Silk: I'm sure

Sabastian Saw: I need to show you all something

Jerry Silk: Ok

Benjamin Donovan: Let's go outside

Jerry Silk: So she can escape?

Benjamin Donovan: There's no way for her too

Jerry Silk: Fine, come on.

Benjamin Donovan: Psst... Clau

Clau: ...

Benjamin Donovan: I just wanted to give you this, maybe it'll help you cut the rope. I got it out of Faye's backpack.

Sabastian Saw: Benjamin!, come one.

Benjamin Donovan: I'm coming


Why was Benjamin trying to help me? I began to continuously cut the rope. I finally cut the rope off of my hands and ran out the door.

[5 minutes later]

Jerry Silk: So Lady Carmine thinks you took her?

Sabastian Saw: Yeah

Jerry Silk: Well that's not our problem.

Sabastian Saw: What!

Pam Shawcross: Look! Clau's gone.

Jerry Silk: How!?

Sabastian Saw: Benjamin!

Benjamin Donovan: What?

Sabastian Saw: Where's Clau?

Benjamin Donovan: I don't know, why do you think I know?!

Sabastian Saw: Because you were the last one talking to her!

Benjamin Donovan: That doesn't mean she told me where she was going?

Sabastian Saw: So you knew that she was gonna leave?

Benjamin Donovan: What?! No!

Pam Shawcross: Instead of fighting, how about we go try to find her!


I continued to run through the city trying to find the border.

Ms.White: Clau, is that you?!

Clau: Leave me alone.

Ms.White: What's going on Clau?

Clau: I'm leaving this town

Ms.White: Clau, you can't cross the border

Clau: Why not?

Ms.White: Ummm

Clau: Right, Goodbye Ms.White.


I step into the border and I feel it drain all my energy. I pulled myself to keep walking but I didn't get far before I fell out.

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