Sabastian Saw must die!

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We walked to the counselor's office and went inside. When we got inside we saw two boys talking.

Clau: Hello?

Benjamin Donovan: Hello, I'm Benjamin-

Clau: I- I know who you are.

Sabastian Saw: I'll talk to you later, dude.

Benjamin Donovan: Ok

Benjamin Donovan: what do you all need?

Clau: To see the counselor.

Benjamin Donovan: Ok, follow me.

On our way to the counselor's office, Benjamin showed us around the campus. It already looks great on the outside but it looks even better on the inside.

Benjamin Donovan: We're here.

Benjamin Donovan: This is Lady Carmine, our head counselor.

Lady Carmine: Hello girls!

Clau: Hi

Texcean Gacy: Hi

Brielle Bassett: Hi

Lady Carmine: How can I help you all?

Texcean Gacy: We need our Schedules and Cabin Numbers.

Lady Carmine: Ok, wait here, I'll be back.

[A few minutes later]                        

Lady Carmine: Ok girls, here you go.

Texcean Gacy: Thank you

Brielle Bassett: Thank you

Clau: Thanks

Lady Carmine: Ok, I will see you girls when classes start.

Clau: Wait!

Lady Carmine: Yes?

Clau: What family are you in?

Lady Carmine: I'm a Peakteu.

Clau: What's that?

Lady Carmine: A Peakteu is someone who is a part of every family, so I don't belong to one specific family, I have the powers of them all.

Clau: So you're pretty powerful?

Lady Carmine: I guess you can say that.

Lady Carmine: Can I help you girls with anything else?

Clau: No ma'am

Lady Carmine: Ok, go find your cabins and explore the camp.

Lady Carmine: Benjamin, can you show them around and take them where they need to go?

Benjamin Donovan: Yes, ma'am

Lady Carmine: Thank you

Benjamin Donovan: Follow me

Clau: ok
Benjamin showed us around the camp and after about an hour he showed us our cabins.

Benjamin Donovan: Here we are and have a great evening ladies.

Texcean Gacy: Wait!

Benjamin Donovan: Yes? Ms.Gacy

Texcean Gacy: Never mind

Benjamin Donovan: Ok, see you all tomorrow when classes start.

Texcean Gacy: Bye!

For the rest of the day, we just talked and got to know the other people in our cabin...and oh! We all got in a cabin together. I was excited but I couldn't say the same for Brielle and Texcean. Then came nightfall and everyone got into bed. I was beginning to go to sleep when I heard someone talking in the hallway.

Sabastian Saw: Why is she at our school?!

Benjamin Donovan: She's a Minotaur.

Sabastian Saw: She's a treat!

Benjamin Donovan: To who?!

Sabastian Saw: To Lady Carmine, to us all.

Benjamin Donovan: You need to calm down, dude.

Sabastian Saw: What? So now you wanna protect her?

Benjamin Donovan: I didn't say that.

Sabastian Saw: Ok, then prove it.

Benjamin Donovan: What?!

Sabastian Saw: Prove it!

Sabastian Saw: Go in Clau's cabin and bring her out here.

Benjamin Donovan: No

Sabastian Saw: I'll do it, then.

Benjamin Donovan: Leave me out of this.

Sabastian Saw: Whatever

I hear footsteps getting louder as they get closer to my room. I got up and ran to the closet and hid. I peek out of the closet and see Sabastian looking around the room.

Sabastian Saw: Clau?

Sabastian Saw: Clau, I know you're in here.

Sabastian Saw: Lady Carmine asked for you.

Sabastian started to walk to the closet and I panicked. I ran out of the closet into the girls bathroom. I hid in the stall and covered my mouth. I hear Sabastian enter the girls bathroom. How did he find me? you may ask. He's a Gorgon (A human and snake) so he can smell me.

Sabastian Saw: Come on out, Clau.

Sabastian: I'm just here to get you for Lady Carmine.

I hear Sabastian opening the stalls one by one. He was just about to open mine when Brielle walked in.

Brielle Bassett: Why are you here Sabastian?

Sabastian Saw: .....

Brielle Bassett: So now you can't hear me?

Sabastian Saw: .....

Brielle Bassett: I'm sure you didn't sleepwalk into the girls bathroom.

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