Is Jerry the leader or is Brielle?

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After I left the hospital, I got home and someone was waiting for me.

Brielle Bassett: I can see you, Jerry.

Brielle Bassett: Why are you here?

Jerry Silk: Oh, I got rid of the body that you left on Tia's living room floor.

Brielle Bassett: Oh I figured it was you.

Jerry Silk: You know it's time, Brielle.

Brielle Bassett: Yeah I know, why did our parents come up with that stupid annual Capture the flag game.

Jerry Silk: Actually, Our Great-Grandparents did and I think it's a fun game to play.

Brielle Bassett: Yeah, only because you're not the one playing.

Jerry Silk: Of course, why would I want to risk my life?

Jerry Silk: But anyway you have to gather 7 people of your choice, to play our game and I'll bring 7.

Brielle Bassett: Ok, Tia is one of my picks.

Jerry Silk: No

Brielle Bassett: Jerry you know the rules, you can't have feelings for an outsider.

Brielle Bassett: Plus, I get to pick who I want. So, you don't have a say in who I pick.

Brielle Bassett: You can leave now.

Jerry Silk: Fine

Brielle Bassett: No, go out the window, where you came in from.

Jerry Silk: [laughs softly] I'll go out the door.


Me and Benjamin got inside the house and I was going to go to bed but there were two letters on the kitchen table. I went to pick them up and I see they have our names on them. I open mine and it says " You've been invited to my party at Scar Maze at 11 o'clock, Jerry."


Saturday, November 16th, 2021, 8:20 am, Sailor Cape City

I woke up the next morning and watched the news, The news reporter said " Man, age 40, was found dead in California home." A part of me hoped it was Mr.Calloway and a tiny tiny piece of me hoped it wasn't. I really wouldn't have cared if he died, after what he did to me.

Clau: Tia, you awake?

Tia Calloway: Now I am.

Tia Calloway: What do you need?

Clau: What time is it?

Tia Calloway: Um, it's 8 am

Clau: Ok, when do I get discharged?

Tia Calloway: I'm not sure.

Tia Calloway: [phone buzzes] Brielle is calling me, I'll be back.

Tia Calloway: Did you get her?

Jerry Silk: Yeah, but she may have escaped.

Tia Calloway: You're kidding, right?

Jerry Silk: No

Tia Calloway: Where are you?

Jerry Silk: At the park.

Tia Calloway: I'm coming

Tia Calloway: Clau, I'll be back.

Clau: Ok

[ At the park]

Tia Calloway: Where did you have her last?

Jerry Silk: She was on the swings then she just disappeared.

Tia Calloway: Aren't you a Chimera?

Jerry Silk: Yeah, why?

Tia Calloway: Can't you like sniff her out or something?

Jerry Silk: I don't particularly like the idea of sniffing around like a dog.

Tia Calloway: I'll find her then.

Tia Calloway: [inhales and exhales slowly] I can see her.

Jerry Silk: How are you doing that?

Tia Calloway: You don't need to go to class to learn how to use your powers.

Tia Calloway: I need to focus, so be quiet for just a minute.

Tia Calloway: [inhales and exhales slowly] She's hiding in a public bathroom.

Jerry Silk: So that's where we're going?

Tia Calloway: Yeah

[random public bathroom]

Jerry Silk: We know you're here Samantha Grace.

Jerry Silk: I can hear your heart racing.

Samantha Grace: Leave me alone, please.

Tia Calloway: Where did bold Samantha Grace go?

Jerry Silk: [whispers to Tia] She's in the last one on the left.

Tia Calloway: [winks at Jerry]

Tia Calloway: Let's play a game, Jerry.

Jerry Silk: Ok

Tia Calloway: Let's see who can get to Samantha Grace the fastest and drown her in the toilet.

Jerry Silk: I'm up for it

Tia Calloway: You ready?

Jerry Silk: Always

Tia Calloway: On your mark. Get set. Go!

Jerry Silk: found her!- [dunks Samantha Grace's head in the toilet]

Jerry Silk: Sorry you didn't get to join the fun, Samantha Grace.

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: [screams underwater]

Jerry Silk: There's no point in fighting back I'm way stronger than you.

Jerry Silk: Welp, she stopped moving and I can't hear her heart anymore.

Tia Calloway: Another day, another body. Every day's the same.

Tia Calloway: I'm gonna go back to the hospital to check on Clau.

Jerry Silk: Ok

Tia Calloway: Bye


I was excited to go to the party but I did not know what I was getting myself into.

Sabastian Saw: Benjamin!

Benjamin Donovan: Huh?

Sabastian Saw: Us, Brielle, Tia, and Clau should go to the maze today.

Benjamin Donovan: The Scar Maze?

Sabastian Saw: Yep!

Benjamin Donovan: Ok, but why?

Sabastian Saw: Jerry is having a Party.

Benjamin Donovan: oh, ok.

Sabastian Saw: I'm gonna go check the mail.

Benjamin Donovan: Ok


I go to check the mail and I see a letter for me from Kamp Kaeger.

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