you would've killed him too

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In all honesty, I hoped we'd get to kill her dad. Just in case we had to, I grabbed a knife out of Brielle's knife holder before we left.


We got to Clau's house and looked through her living room window and I couldn't see Clau so I figured she's in her room. We knock on the door and Mr.Calloway answers.

Brielle Bassett: H-hi Mr. Calloway

Mr. Calloway: Why are y'all knocking on my door!


I was so angry with Tia's dad because I know he did something to her and he acted like he didn't do anything at all! I just couldn't hold in my anger anymore.

Benjamin Donovan: Where is Clau!? We know you did something to her!

Brielle Bassett: Sabastian!!


I feel Mr.Calloway put his hands around my neck and tighten his grip.

Benjamin Donovan: Let go of me! Brielle! Sabastian-


I felt weaker and weaker every second and as I began to lose consciousness I heard Tia's dad let out a shriek. He let go of my neck and I gasped for air.


I felt a sense of anger rush over me when I saw Tia's dad choking Benjamin. So I did the only thing I could do. I stabbed him.

Brielle Bassett: Sabastian!

Sabastian Saw: What!? He had it coming.

Brielle Bassett: You just killed somebody!

Sabastian Saw: What?! He was choking Benjamin, what was I supposed to do? beg him to pretty please put him down?

Benjamin Donovan: Ok, I'm good guys but we need to go find Clau now.

Sabastian Saw: Oh yeah I forgot, ok you guys deal with that and I'm going to go jump off a bridge before Tia can push me.

Brielle Bassett: What why?

Sabastian Saw: Are you serious, do you not see this dead man on the floor? Oh and I forgot, It's her dad!

Benjamin Donovan: Do you think Tia cares if her dad is dead?

Sabastian Saw: Yes, she'll care that I killed him!

Benjamin Donovan: Sabastian, come on, we just won't tell Tia.

Sabastian Saw: Fine.


I knew that Tia would Care about her dad being dead. Even though her dad was abusive she still loved him.

Brielle Bassett: Clau?!

Brielle Bassett: Clau?!


I began to wake up but I felt really weak and my body was aching. I heard someone in the hallway, it sounded like a female voice, Brielle?!

Clau: Hello!

Clau: Who is there?

Brielle Bassett: Clau? Is that you? Where are you?

Clau: In-in the garage

Brielle Bassett: Oh Clau! What happened to you?

Clau: Mr. Calloway squeezed me.

Sabastian Saw: Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. [Chuckles]

Benjamin Donovan: Sabastian!

Clau: What do you mean, I don't have to worry about him?

Brielle Bassett: Nothing, don't worry about it we have to get you to the hospital.


What did Sabastian mean " Well you don't have to worry about that anymore" Did they do something to Mr.Calloway?

Brielle Bassett: Come on Clau we're gonna go through the back door, Mr. Calloway is asleep.

Benjamin Donovan: Sabastian, come here.

Sabastian: What?!

Benjamin Donovan: What are we gonna do about the body?

Sabastian Saw: I don't know, Brielle will figure it out. Come on!

Benjamin Donovan: I'm coming.


While we were driving I thought about how this would go down if we would get caught.


I was so mad at Clau even though I knew she was just protecting me. After me and Clau had our fight I decided to walk to Jerry's house. I knock on his door.

Tia Calloway: Jerry!

Tia Calloway: Jerry!


I was hanging out with Samantha Grace when I heard Tia saying my name and knocking on my door.

Jerry Silk: Wait a Minute, Tia!

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: " Tia"!

Tia Calloway: Jerry! Who's that?

Jerry Silk: Shhh!

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: You know what, I'll get the door for you.

Jerry Silk: No!

Samantha Grace

I got up off the couch and I opened the door and I couldn't believe who it was. It was Tia Calloway!


I saw the door open and I thought it was Jerry.

Tia Calloway: Hey! Jerr-

Tia Calloway: Samantha Grace?!

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: If it isn't miss Tia Calloway.

Jerry Silk: Oh, Hey! Tia

Tia Calloway: Jerry, you're hanging out with her even though I told you we just had a fight?

Tia Calloway: Is that how you knew she wasn't dead?

Jerry Silk: Yes- she texted me.

Tia Calloway: Ok, leave me alone.

Jerry Silk: I'm sorry!

Tia Calloway: No you're not!

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: bye!

Tia Calloway: Ugh!


I couldn't believe Jerry was hanging out with Samantha Grace. And wasn't Samantha Grace supposed to be in the hospital or something? I knew Shaun Phillip was lying! I had to call Clau. I called Clau but she didn't answer so I called her a 2nd time, she still didn't answer. so I called Brielle.

Tia Calloway: Brielle?

Brielle Bassett: Hey Tia, I can't talk right now.

Tia Calloway: Wait! Is Clau with you?

Brielle Bassett: Yeah but she doesn't wanna talk right now.

Tia Calloway:: Ok, just tell her I'm sorry and that I'll be at home when she gets back!

Brielle Bassett: No! Don't go home!

Tia Calloway: What why not?

Brielle Bassett: I don't think it's safe right now.

Brielle Bassett: Never mind, bye now!

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