not much of a rescue plan

1 0 0

Lady Carmine: Clau! Clau! Wake up!

Clau: Where am I?

Lady Carmine: You're in Kamp Kaeger.

Clau: Kamp Kaeger? KAMP KAEGER!?

Lady Carmine: Calm down

Clau: Are you working with them?

Lady Carmine: With who?

Clau: Jerry, Sabastian, Benjamin, Pam, Faye.

Lady Carmine: Why would I be working with them?

Clau: I don't know

Clau: Brielle! Texcean!

Lady Carmine: huh?

Clau: Jerry said that he sent Brielle and Texcean over to Sir Price.

Lady Carmine: Oh no

Clau: What?

Lady Carmine: This isn't good.

Clau: What's not good?!

Lady Carmine: If they go to Sir Price then he'll erase their memories and possibly kill them.

Clau: What?! Jerry never said anything about them being killed.

Clau: I have to go.

Lady Carmine: Where are you going?

Clau: To save my friends.

Lady Carmine: It's not a good Idea to go by yourself. Come with me.

Clau: Ok

[20 minutes later]

Lady Carmine: You ready?

Clau: Yes

Lady Carmine: We're ready, you can go.

Coachman: Yes ma'am

Lady Carmine: Our first adventure together!



Clau: Yeahhh

Lady Carmine: How are you feeling?

Clau: Fine, Thank you.

Lady Carmine: You don't have to act like I'm a stranger.

Clau: You are

Lady Carmine: For right now

Clau: huh?

Ms.Carmine: Nothing

Lady Carmine: Did you ever get the box open that I gave you.

Clau: No, It was locked and there was no key.

Lady Carmine: Ok, that's good



Clau: Do you mind if we don't talk for the rest of the ride?

Lady Carmine: Oh, not at all.

Clau: Thanks


I hope that didn't come off rude, it's just the situation was already awkward and I didn't wanna make it more awkward by continuing to talk.

[3 hours later]Clau

That took FOREVER!!

Lady Carmine: We're here

Clau: I know it's super late but what about all the kids back at Kamp Kaeger who's in control while you're gone.

Lady Carmine: My Assistant, Mr. Manny.

Clau: Mr.Manny?!

Ms. Carmine: Yes

Clau: Like Manny Calloway?

Lady Carmine: Yes

Clau: I don't think you should have left him in charge.

Lady Carmine: Why not?

Clau: It's a long story.

Clau: And we don't have time, we have to get in there before she kills Brielle and Texcean.

Lady Carmine: ok


Me and Lady Carmine walked past the side of the building and stood outside the back door.

Lady Carmine: Clau, hold my hand.

Clau: What? No!

Lady Carmine: If you hold my hand we'll both be invisible when we walk in.

Clau: Oh, I'm sorry.

Lady Carmine: It's fine.


I hold onto Ms. Carmine's hand and we walk through the back door. I look around the School and See all these kids and how sad they looked.

Clau: Why do they look so sad

Lady Carmine: Shhhh, they can hear you.

Clau: Sorry


I guess I'll just talk to you guys while we walk through this gloomy school. The school was so dark and the kids dragged their feet as they walked with their heads hanging down. This is an embarrassing moment but I bumped into one of the kids and accidentally let go of Lady Carmine's hand. The kid looks at me and grins. The other kids start to walk towards me. Lady Carmine grabbed me just in time.

Clau: [whispers] Thank you

Lady Carmine: [whispers] you're welcome.

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