kids fight over the dumbest things

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Tia Calloway: stop trying to make the situation better, we all know she's coming after me, I'm the one that made her go unconscious! You always do this! STOP!

Clau: I-


Tia has never yelled at me like that before. All I try to do is help her with the "dad" situation and her crazy temper. She doesn't know what I've gone through with "dad" to protect her.

Tia Calloway: I'm leaving, give me the keys.

Clau: NO! Sit down!

Tia Calloway: NO! I'm leaving, give me the keys now! I'm walking to the house!

Clau: Why so you can end up getting killed by Samantha while you're "walking back to the house." And you're such a liar! God knows you don't want to be at the house with your dad!

Tia Calloway: Ugh, whatever but I'm leaving! I have more important things to worry about like not getting killed!


I fought back the urge to drag Tia back to the table as I watched her walk out of the diner. Why is she so angry all of a sudden?

Brielle Bassett: Can we go or something? We've been here for like 2 hours.

Clau: Go where?

Brielle Bassett: I don't know, to my house.

Clau: ok

Benjamin Donovan: Me and Sabastian will come too.

Brielle Bassett: Alright

Sabastian Saw: I would like to answer for myself, I'm not coming.

Benjamin Donovan: You're coming!


We all leave the diner and walk to Brielle's house.

[35 minutes later]

Brielle Bassett: Mi casa es sucasa

Benjamin Donovan: Brielle, you speak Spanish?

Brielle Bassett: Really? Everyone in America knows how to say Mi casa es sucasa and that it means my house is your house.

Benjamin Donovan: duh, just didn't know you paid attention in Spanish class.

Brielle Bassett: I don't

Brielle Bassett: Clau, let's go to my room.

Clau: Estábien

Brielle Bassett: Ha


When we got to Brielle's room, we started talking a lot.

Clau: I'm really worried about Pam

Brielle Bassett: Don't be, if she wants to be rude to you.

Clau: And Jerry is crazy like he's a stalker and he knows about everyone.

Brielle Bassett: I found out that Jerry was actually on the verge of being kicked out of camp.

Clau: Oh

Brielle Bassett: Yeah

Clau: But do you think that Tia is ok?

Brielle Bassett: Yeah, stop worrying.

Clau: it's hard when Samantha Grace may be trying to kill her.

Brielle Bassett: I know but Shaun Phillip was probably just messing with us.

Clau: Maybe

Clau: At Least now that we know Samantha isn't dead we don't have to kill anyone.

Brielle Bassett: yeah but Tia might.

Clau: What do you mean?

Brielle Bassett: Well she might go after Samantha Grace before Samantha Grace goes after her.

Clau: Pam wouldn't do that!

Brielle Bassett: But do you know that for sure?

Clau: She wouldn't do that, end of discussion!

Brielle Bassett: If you're gonna be rude! Then leave because you know your sister is crazy!

Clau: Don't talk about my sister!

Brielle Bassett: Get out!


I Briskly walked downstairs to Sabastian and Benjamin. They looked uncomfortable.

Clau: Bye guys!

Benjamin Donovan: what-

Sabastian: Bye...


As much as I didn't want to go to the house with Mr.Calloway I had to. All I can say to myself is don't make him mad, don't make him mad. I arrive at the house to see Mr. Calloway sleeping on the chair in front of the TV with like 10 beer cans beside him. I quietly tiptoe past him and try to get up the stairs quietly.

Dad: where are you going!

Clau: Up- Upstairs.


I felt like I was going to faint or even die.

Dad: Ok, but come hug your old man first.


I didn't know what Mr.Calloway was up to but to avoid getting hurt or making him mad I have to do what he says.

Clau: ok


I walk to Mr. Calloway to give him a hug hoping he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. We hug for a few seconds and suddenly I felt him squeezing me more and more.

Clau: Mr. Calloway, You're hurting me.

Mr.Calloway: Stay Calm!

Clau: Mr.Calloway, please let me go, you're hurting me!


I began to go unconscious but I could see someone on the top of the stairs, but I didn't recognize them.


I hope Clau is ok, and I didn't mean to call her "sister" crazy. I know that she's having trouble at home but she just won't talk about it. Like 30 seconds later, Sabastian and Benjamin bust into my room.

Benjamin Donovan: What happened to Clau?

Brielle Bassett: We got into a fight.

Benjamin Donovan: About what?

Brielle Bassett: We just fought ok!


I started to tear up thinking about how I hurt my best friend.

Benjamin Donovan: Hey! Brielle, I'm sorry I'm just worried, she was really mad when she left.

Brielle Bassett: I-I know and I'm sorry I didn't mean to make her mad or hurt her.

Benjamin Donovan: I tried texting her and she didn't answer and it's been 3 hours. We might need to go check on her.

Sabastian Saw: With Tia's dad there? No way!

Brielle Bassett: Sabastian, she's our friend we have to.

Sabastian Saw: Clau's not my Friend

Brielle Bassett: Well you're still coming.

Sabastian Saw: Fine, but only for you.

Brielle Bassett: Thank you


I had a feeling Clau wasn't ok, that her dad had done something to her. And I was worried about what was gonna happen next.

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