it's time

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Clau: Ok, I've gathered you all here because as you all know we're running away tonight. I wanted you few to come with me because I trust most but not all of you.

Clau: (cough) Sabastian

Texcean Gacy: So you're saying we're running away with this psycho.

Sabastian Saw: Hey!

Sabastian Saw: That hurt, Texcean.

Texcean Gacy: Your sarcasm makes my head wanna explode.

Sabastian Saw: Maybe I'd like to see that.

Texcean Gacy: See what I mean.

Brielle Bassett: Cool it Sabastian

Sabastian Saw: I'm sorry

Clau: Anyway, Did everyone pack?

Brielle Bassett: Yeah

Sabastian Saw: Yup

Benjamin Donovan: Yeah

Texcean Gacy: Yes

Pam Shawcross: Yep

Clau: You came!

Sabastian Saw: She's coming too?

Clau: Yes

Clau: And we're waiting for one more person

Texcean Gacy: How many people are coming?

Clau: about six

Texcean Gacy: Why not just bring your friends

Clau: They're my friends too.

Clau: And I feel like I'm not the only person that's going to learn something on this adventure.

Clau: What's something you wanna learn on this adventure?

Sabastian Saw: So you're our therapist now?

Texcean Gacy: (laughs)

Sabastian Saw: (laughs)

Texcean Gacy: Ew

Sabastian Saw: ....

Clau: I'm for real guys just think to yourself what you wanna learn on this adventure.

Sabastian Saw: Fine


I didn't really have a reason. I don't know.


There really wasn't a reason for me to leave but there also wasn't a reason for me to stay. I didn't like the school or the people in it.


If going on this adventure would help Clau I had to be there for her. Plus If I stayed and they left I would have no choice but to be like my parents since everybody thinks I am already.


I want to find my parents. I know they're out there.


I just wanted to go into the normal world instead of being hidden.

Clau: ok, everyone done?

Pam Shawcross: Yes

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: We're here

Clau: Great!

Texcean Gacy: What happened to 6 people?

Clau: Well my bad 8 people, including Jerry, Mya, and Samantha Grace.

Texcean Gacy: That's a lot of people.

Clau: Well they're here and we have to go now before sunrise.

Pam Shawcross: There is no way I'm going with her

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: Are you still made over one little fight?

Pam Shawcross: A little fight!?

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: Yeah!

Pam Shawcross: It may have been a "little" fight to you but it was a big fight to me. Your family of Chimeras are so entitled because Miss Auriel Ajani won the fight against Lilith. You all never stopped to think how that affected my family!

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: That was centuries ago! Why are you blaming me for something that happened way before I was born!

Pam Shawcross: Because you're still a part of her family, you still earn and gain from a member of my family's death.

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: I don't have control of that, like what do you want me to say!?

Pam Shawcross: An apology would be nice!

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: Ok, I'm sorry, Pam.

Pam Shawcross: How about something more like I'm sorry Pam for all my family has put your family through. I truly never realized how it affected you all. I was so caught up in myself.

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: I'm sorry Pam for all my family has put your family through. I truly never realized how it affected you all. I was so caught up in myself.

Pam Shawcross: See that's all I wanted!

Brielle Bassett: If y'all are done, can we go now?

Clau: Yeah

Sabastian Saw: I have a plan to get over the gate.

Clau: Ok, what is it?

Sabastian Saw: Don't judge my map. I was in a rush.

Clau: No, it looks Ummm... nice!

Sabastian Saw: So first we all gather in the Maze, Second, we run around the Elder tree so that the security guard won't see us. Third, Once we know we're in the clear we run to the gate and jump over.

Clau: Ok, well since you're the only person with a plan we'll go with that.

Sabastian Saw: Good

Clau: Ok, let's go

Texcean Gacy: Finally

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