let's get this straight, Sabastian killed him not me.

1 0 0

Brielle Bassett: Maybe we don't know Benjamin like that.

Sabastian Saw: I don't know Benjamin? I'm his best friend!

Brielle Bassett: That doesn't mean you know him.

Sabastian Saw: And you know him?

Brielle Bassett: Never said I did.

Sabastian Saw: Whatever, I'm going to check on MY friend.

Brielle Bassett: Ok


I don't know why Sabastian was being so defensive. And if Benjamin told Clau or anyone anything he knows he'll get us all in trouble with Jerry and we can't mess up this plan.

Clau: Tia?

Tia Calloway: Yeah, I'm here.

Clau: Your dad hurt me.

Tia Calloway: Yeah, I know.

Tia Calloway: When you get out there's a lot I need to tell you.

Clau: When do I get discharged?

Tia Calloway: I don't know, I'll go ask the doctor.

Clau: Ok

Clau: Brielle?

Brielle: Yeah?

Clau: Did Benjamin think I was asleep? And what was he sorry about?


Why would Benjamin tell Clau he's sorry? Like do you want her to find out we killed her "dad".

Brielle Bassett: I don't know, probably that he let you get hurt.

Clau: He didn't let me get hurt.

Clau: Where is he?

Brielle Bassett: In the waiting room.

Clau: Can you ask him to come here?

Brielle Bassett: Sure, be right back.

Tia Calloway: I'm back and the doctor said you'll get discharged in the morning.

Clau: Ok

Clau: Where's your dad?

Tia Calloway: I'm not sure.

Clau: Have you heard from him?

Tia Calloway: No, and I don't want to if he hurt you.

Clau: Tia, before I passed out I think I saw something at the top of the stairs.

Tia Calloway: Do you know what it was?

Clau: I know It was a person but I couldn't recognize them.

Tia Calloway: Oh

Brielle Bassett: Here he is.

Benjamin Donovan: Clau, are you feeling ok?

Clau: Yeah

Benjamin Donovan: That's good

Clau: Benjamin, It's ok you didn't let me get hurt.

Sabastian Saw: [Chuckles]

Clau: What?

Sabastian Saw: Oh nothing

Benjamin Donovan: Wha-

Brielle Bassett: Sorry to interrupt but Benjamin can I talk to you in the hallway?

Benjamin Donovan: Yeah.

Brielle Bassett: Why would you tell her you're sorry?!

Benjamin Donovan: Why not?

Brielle Bassett: She heard what you said.

Benjamin Donovan: She wasn't sleeping?

Brielle Bassett: No!

Benjamin Donovan: I messed up.

Brielle Bassett: Yuh think!

Benjamin Donovan: Did she say anything about any of the other stuff I said to her?

Brielle Bassett: No, why?

Benjamin Donovan: It doesn't matter.

Brielle Bassett: Plus, You can forget about those feelings you have for her if she finds out we murdered her "dad".

Benjamin Donovan: Sabastian killed her dad.

Brielle Bassett: and Sabastian is your friend.

Benjamin Donovan: I'm not responsible for him.

Brielle Bassett: But as his friend, you're supposed to protect him.

Benjamin Donovan: Not really.

Benjamin Donovan: If it's ok with you, I'm gonna go back into the room.


Sabastian is my friend and all but I don't like him. I know friends are supposed to be all protective over one another but Sabastian beat me up, lied to me, and made me cry a lot when we were growing up so no, I was not going to protect him.


What kind of friend doesn't wanna protect their friend? Was Sabastian really that bad that Benjamin couldn't forgive him?

Clau: It's getting pretty late, you guys should go get some sleep.

Brielle Bassett: You sure?

Clau: Yeah, I'll see you guys in the morning.

Tia Calloway: I'm staying here

Clau: Ok

Benjamin Donovan: We'll see you in the morning, Clau, bye.

Brielle Bassett: Bye, Clau

Clau: Bye

Benjamin Donovan: I'll come to get you in the morning.

Clau: Ok


After we left the hospital Brielle went home and Me and Sabastian went to his house.

Sabastian Saw: Bye, Brielle

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