chapter 2

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( I was sculpting today, what do you think??)

Lj snickers while walking away. After time passes slender called Toby to a mother mission but this one was very different. It was to get a James Charles make up pack....
ofc I had to look different for this one I borrowed bens legend of Zelda jacket and lu's pare of Nike's red high top sneakers.  Along with a black tee and grey sweat pants from this morning. And I ended up putting a bandage over the part of my face near my jaw. There I go off to every store until I found one. I pa yed and left I almost got recognized some how but it doesn't matter. I walk back to the mansion and hand slendey the pallet and I knew don't it go to my room and pass out but with no dream but this time my door was wide open I wake up with a feeling of some one staring at me.
My eyes opened slowly there was the blond hared human ghost with red eyes staring at me. I could tell he wasn't trying to wake me up but I could tell some one touched my hair.
" toby."Said Ben
"Yes? Ben." Said Toby sleepy
" one my jacket, second, your room smells like waffles and syrup mixed with pine trees." Ben said trying not to laugh
Toby sat up oh right it was to comfy I fell asleep with it on, said Toby. Ben  standing there unsure what to say just  started blushing. Toby took it off and gave it to ben . bes ran off as quick as lightning after returning the shoes. Every one got kicked out by Slendey and he said go sleep out in the stars tonight but we only had so many tents.
" TOBIAS ROGERS" screamed a mad little sally
"You forgot to come to my tea party!?!"
"oh waffles you are right I'm so sorry little sis." Says Toby in a  shaky voice.
" it is fine but don't let it happen again." Said sally in a sassy manner
Every one claimed tenets and lj as much as he loved me he wouldn't share a god damn tent. Who isn't sharing a tent  Ben was the only one I noticed guess that happened. clockwork and Jane brought drinks and as much as i hate drinking Jeff played me 100$ to have a drink, I guess I loved it so I kept on drinking till I was straight out drunk and t and hoodie where the ones who where sober to look after us all but Umm mmm W.A.P.  came on and I danced to it and Jeff was recording for blackmail and stuff took a left turn. It was time to sleep all of us got in out tents of maskey  would shoot us. And I Woke up in the same blanket as b-ben.
( update tomorrow :D what do y'all think I've been jamming to Ben and Toby's playlist on Spotify I have nothing to do so  ill ad more later but I need a brake)
Where is my shirt I noticed I was looking around quietly and I saw it damn it, how am I going to get out with out waking Ben up
I creeped out of the heavy worm blanket put on the shirt and went outside. I saw my signature hoodie strung up in a tree and my goggles... So I had to climb up the tree and I got them and put them on and I herd a sudden "GOOD MORNING rockstar, you where something else last night." Yelled Jeff. I fell out of the tree losing my balance and head first on a rock.
Hood thing I can't feel pain cuss if I did it would hurt. I get up and slap Jeff on the head. " that is what you get for disturbing my head I have a killer head ache." Said Toby in a soft voice. Jeff replied while holding his head " you where very ... Something else last night." Said Jeff in a whispering voice. Ben came floating out of the tent and basket arose from a bush where he and hoodie slept. Lj came back with candy. He took oke look at Toby and said "we need to talk later but here have candy!" Said lj happily

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