chapter 9

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As I lay up Ben hears me moving "morning sunshine it is during key 3 pm you have been asleep all day. " Ben said happily
" oh ok, have you showers yet?" Toby said on a low chill voice
" no." Ben said
" yes." Toby said
" fine only if you stand there right out side of the shower to make sure I'm ok, I haven't showers in years..." Ben said
" fine ill go get my stuff that you can use." Toby said while booking out of the door. And he came right back Ben obviously in dressed with the curtain shut and tossed his clothes to Toby and started the shower.( update tomorrow I'm tired ok?!?)
Ben soon gasped
" c-cold." Ben said
" then turn the knob left a bit till your desire of water is met." Toby said
As Ben turned the knob and Toby said
" remember shampoo goes first in the top of you head and rub it in then conditioner goes next."
" oh, ok." Ben said sweetly
Toby was anxious as he wait
" remember to scrub it out." Toby said
" I can tell your anxious, ill be fine." Ben said in a soft voice
And Ben closed his eyes tight to pre pare for the water near the breathing holes. And started scrubbing on his scalp and when he was done he moved to the conditioner and put it on the end of his hair. Waited and stunned it of them moved on to the soap and washed off after ward's and turned off the water and asked for the towel and received and dryed off in the shower and Toby said "I will be exiting now." Toby said 
Ben stepped out and put on his clothes Toby left for him they where some of his clothes while Toby was washing all of bens clothes Ben came out with a over sized plane tee shirt with some black sweat pants and his hair wasn't dry at all Toby grabbed the towel and dried bens hair as Ben was playing a video game.later Toby went to go put bend clothes in the dryer and he came back and looked at ben and said
" you have floofy hair..."
Ben looked at him ANF said nothing but with a blank look in his eyes Toby grabbed comb and combed bens hair to where it looked normal. And Toby sat on the floor with Ben and cuddled him. When slender called for Toby
" I have to go." Toby said sadly
Slender had a mission for him.

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