chapter 3

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( read the rest of chapter 2. Also go check out don't vibe in my door way, because I stole the camping part from them. You can see the book in my library!)

I take the candy no resist and pop that puppy. At this point every one was awake and I said ima go to Denny's who wants to come every one comes with no resist. We all get coffee but we where all where ing different clothing because we didn't want to get arrested today. We order coffee and breakfast and I announced I will be paying for all y'all we sit and be as quiet as a mouse and when time comes to pay I played with $200. I stole most of it from my victims I mean what is a dead person going to get with it?? Exactly. And we left we all walked back to the mansion after picking up our party. I flop on my bed but I rush to the bathroom I made it in time I had to throw up. After doing so I then flop on my bed and pass out then I feel LJ shake me awake and he told me every thing... I'm traumatized a 100th time. I mean it wasn't that bad I danced to W.A.P. pole danced in a tree while being a striker but failed miserably and made out with Ben. Not bad im very interesting then... (❗not a ship just bestie friends❗) I look over and on is hugging me laughing I start chuckling along and hug back. We stop. He gets up and walks out.( now that is what you call a bromance😩) I get up and walk to the kitchen grab waffles and make them in our new found toaster that appeared. When they are done Ben appears right in my face and pets my hair, I notice marks all over his neck. He said
"can I have a waffle?"
I choke on my own Silva "sure." I sit on the floor and eat the waffle peacefully and put my plate in the sink and went to my room. I smell like trash ima shower he gathered his clothes and jump in the shower I wash and scrub my hair with shampoo and conditioner. Wash out and I wash my body with soap that smells good it smells like pine trees and sap. I wash off and dry up come out thankfully dressed throw my dirty clothes in a hamper and go to my bed but I jump 2 feet up because there is some in my bed
( have to go hope you enjoyed so far update tomorrow)
(okie back for round 2 but jamming to music from Ben Drowned vibes on Spotify 👁👄👁)
I poke at it for a secound then I lift up the blankets and there lays Ben. Asleep. Yeah what ever I don't care right now I wanna nap after waffles. So I manage to squeeze my self on the bed.and after a few minutes passed out but only to a weird ass dream...
I was back in my old house. Then I spot him. My father.

waffles and games (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now