chapter 10

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( sorry every one my motivation is decreasing quickley, now I saw my book got placed 😀😍  also the hand up above is mine the for 80 reads?! Y'all are amazing)

I got up ad walked away and to my surprise I meet clock wo-( bitch) rk at slenders office as well she is a simple for me... Like hard core but I love Ben. But he wanted me to kill this family who is getting to close to the mansion as I start walking out clock work walked with me and she said
" Hey Toby doing any thing tonight?"
Me being me I don't reply as to makes me remember that one time she lied to me about hoodie and I soon figured out it was a lie.but soon she walked off to the others and left me as I walked out of the mansion on the dread key steps and it reminded me I was iter dat or tall with mussels. But I went into the woods to find this family every thing was so green and blossoming with life I could smell the sap on the trees and yet still be coked because there was snow on the ground but I soon spot the targets.

Family's pov-

James pov- " look all I am saying is winter hiking is stupedddddd and I was playing with my friend on roblox." James complains to his family
Olivia's pov- "ugh... James shut up  you are 10 for *exotic butters* sake, shut up you like have three girlfriends." Olivia said snarky to James
Moms pov- " hey, I just saw some time move in a distant." Mom said
" many it is a person that needs our help." dad said

Toby's pov-
" sh*t try saw me, and I forgot my normal clothes hmmm I wanna have some fun with this family Toby climbed up a tree and texts ben.
" hey, look like a normal human I wanna have some fun with the victoms."- Toby
" ok I can teleport to you through your phone ok? Give me like 1 min." - Ben
Toby sat there in the tree as the phone was sat beside him and Ben soon crawled out looking like a normal human..( some one would say that about me though) and Ben looked down and crawled to Toby's arm. *Ben is afraid of hights in my au, he like me*
Rob soon notices Ben looking down and he gathered Ben and placed him on his back and climbed down and Toby  said "you are going to act sick ok there is a lake near by if you deal like drowning some one."
Ben nodded and put his arm around Toby's shoulder and limping
And Ben had done some thing to make all the Oscars from his could hood abuse to come back and they walked toward the family the father first noticed them and ran toward them and he took Ben and Ben had that look an his face that screamed he is mine to kill. Toby had lead the rest of the family out farther away and slaughters them. And took the three kidneys for Ej and then he hears snow crunching from behind him it jumps on hum to fence up and Ben sisters in his ear.
" we are out of waffles.~"
Toby's eyes start to water then said "I'll go get some you take these to Ej." He hands Ben the kidneys and starts walking as soon as he gets to the store he looks to where the waffles to be and they are gone he leaves the store and goes to the next one and buys waffles and walkes back and he goes to his room and hides his waffle sin the mini freezer he has in there and goes to the corner and sits and thinks of his sister

waffles and games (DISCONTINUED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora