chapter 14

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(Hey every one thanks for 140 reads!! Also I'm writing thus on a road trip so it might suck and I might update more later.😘 also I can't remember what happend wut last chapter was about so ill just write)

Toby's POV: as clock work left I went back to my bed and my mind wondering, what would waffles with frosting taste like? Why am I here? What would happens if I didn't snap at my dad that night... What if?
As my mind was at wonder my eyes got tired and decided to close and soon after I wake.. Jeff and sally looking at me, Jeff angry and sally.. While sally being sally she was holding more tea party dresses. I groan and motion them away with my shakey hand and Jeff opens his mouth to say. "You've been out all night." My eyes watering and stinging because there dry I throw my self off the bed and down for brakefast.
As soon as I stand Sally's eyes open wide and Jeff pull out a knife and shoot out the window I look to my stomach and a small hole from a bullet, by I can't deal it like normal and I bolt down the oak wood hall with sally in hand. And burst into slenderman's office and him seeing Sally's face looks at me and dissapears out of sight.. I don't know how to calm children so I carry sally down the stares and ej and Lj see her they took her away. And I was alone..
I guess u have to throw on a shirt now- so I limp up the stares not carrying about all the blood dripping out of the bullet wound and into my room it smells different like, flowers not waffles. weird I go to my dresser and throw on a random shirt not looking at the door sign and I looked around to see I was in clockworks room and her standing at the door way laughing I look down at what the shirt says and it sayd " ima hot bitch baddie." And I start dieing of laughter as she calls Jane over.

(Oh my god, sorry this chapter sucks I don't think the wording isn't correct I just hope you enjoy)

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