chapter 4 the dream

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( my doggie is the picture 😍 he is 10 years old hart melts I'm sad now he is oldddddd but he is amazing)
He was there. I filed with anger and rage, he spotted me in my room. And said
"Ah, Toby how was sleep." Starting to grin slightly
" wh- wh- what are you Doing here!?!." As toby stutters
" I herd you had a crush and a male. I'm disappointed, so is your mother."
Toby flung out the door and to the dining room and he saw
His sister. At the table. But she looked the same as she looked dead he rushed to his sister and gave her a hug strong enough to brake her ribs even more. He started crying as the song of  unhealing started playing. Confused he looked all around and around before he got the queen that Ben was awake. I tried to wake up but I was stuck in this dream unable to shake as his father said
" Trying to leave now."  Said his mother and father in a unhappy voice

                                         Bens pov

    "TOBY wake up this isn't funny." Ben yelled and started crying
Please no wan else leave me I can't. lj came to check if Toby was awake he saw Ben crying
" Ben what's wrong?"worried voice in the doorway
" I don't know." Trembling and shaking
Like heard it and flew down the hallway in to a lenders office
" what is wrong?" Slendey said comely
" toby, dream, stuck again."said lj outta breath
Slender man got up and was at Toby room in an instant not again he said
" give him time Ben." He said comely " go play games and eat some waffles ill bye him some more later. Ben slowly walked  out of the door and to get some waffles he waited for them to pop. And walked to my room. And plugged in my netendo 64 and started playing the series of Zelda. Waffles and games.

                              Tobys pov

    His parents crept closer and quarters him on the couch and rapid questions.
" so who is he." his mother asked
" his name is b-ben." Toby said
" how long has this crush went on." His father asked angrily
" ever seance I got to the mansion." Toby said
His father grabbed his sister and said did you steal my axes answer
Toby yelled " PUT DOWN MY SISTER." She started crying in a distorted voice she said "I thought you forgot about me. I've been following you on every mission and back to the mansion try I on to communicate with you. I thought you forgot."  As she burst into tears
" I would never" as tears dripped down on his face
" toby answer the question." His father said Impatiently
" yes." He said scared
" I'm disappointed."  he said as he ( turned into thanose jk) he shaped her neck then ripped off her head and she Disintegrate.
" I am Inevitable. " ( please get the reference) toby fell to the floor shaking and twitching. As his father crept closer it is your timeas he grabbed his mother and pried toys eyes open and  he counted down. 3 Toby got nervous 2, 1. When Toby's mum started swelling her skin tighten then pop she exploded her guts where allover her eyes where right in front of Toby as the rest of the guts and Oregon's where all over. His father laughed and he passed out to soon wake up in the real world he launched up from his bed and face first into the wall

waffles and games (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now