-chapter 16-

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time jump

harry, ron, and hermione were all sitting in the gryffinfor common room, enjoying the warmth of the crackling fire. they missed harry over the holiday break, and were very excited to catch up with him. of course all the stories harry was telling were made up, as he couldn't tell what he was really up to during the holidays. harry's mind started to wander, he was thinking about how much he missed draco. so harry abruptly made an excuse to leave, and hermione said okay, but ron didn't buy it. "you always do this to us harry" he said in an angry tone. "i'm tired of the lying". harry stared at ron, and hermione stared at harry. "you're crazy" harry told him, and grabbed this things,  and walked out without another word.

harry walked angrily down the corridors. "how could ron even accuse me of lying?" he thought. "he's supposed to be my best friend". yes harry was mad, but deep down he knew he was being irrational. How could harry be mad at ron when harry WAS lying? he didn't know what to do about ron, but he did know where he was going, to draco's room.

harry arrived at dracos room, knocked on the door & patiently waited. harry just wanted to see draco s to hug him, to see his smile. that's all harry needed right now. draco opened the door with a sour look on his face. he didn't look harry in the eye, harry looked at him in confusion, but before he could speak, draco spoke first: "get out".

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