chapter 1

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Daphne May awoke with bed head. She quickly pulled her earbuds out of her ears that had twisted around her neck giving her a small headache. She had fallen asleep listening to music, Daphne turned to her side table and picked up a full cold mug of tea. "ew." She says with a disgusted look on her face while looking at the cold tea. The teabag had risen to the top of the cup and made the drink a gross yellow color. She placed the mug back down and raised her arms to stretch and yawn. She rubbed her eye until black spots danced around her room. She flopped back down onto her bed, just then her younger brother stormed into her room. "What the heck Daphne, there is no time for that. Get out of bed!" Sam says while flickering the lights off and on. "Stop that," Daphne says while getting out of bed and pushing Sam out of the room in a hurry. Sam was in 8th grade, he had glasses and bright blue eyes. He was the only one in the family who shared his Fathers eye color. Everyone else in the May family had dark brown eyes to match their mothers. Daphne hurried over to her vanity and brushed through her long tangled brown hair. Her eyes flashed over to an alarm clock. 7:21. I really am late, Daphne thought while dapping on some makeup. She secretly thanked her little brother for waking her in time.

 She dashed to her clothed and threw on low-waisted blue jeans. She grasped a white tank top and brown jacket and put them on. She quickly pulled on her dark blue converse. "ugh!" She grunted while pulling the shoes over her heel. "ok good." She smiled 

She closed her door behind her and climbed down the stairs. She ran to the kitchen and threw things into her lunch box. "did you brush your teeth?" Her mother asks. "No, I forgot." Daphne says. "ew. Your so weird!" Daphne's older sister Keira says. "I was going to, jeez," Daphne says while running back up the stairs to brush her teeth. She squeezed a little too hard on the toothpaste and it splattered on her tank top. She zipped up her jacket to hide it. After brushing her teeth she once more ran down the stairs. "Mom, can I drive?" She asks hopefully. 

"No way! you almost killed us all last week." Her mom says. 

Daphne looked at her older brother. He had longish messy brown hair and a grin on his face. "Just because your a junior doesn't mean you have to drive." He says while shrugging his shoulders. "Ah man, everyone drives!" Daphne says while raising her hands. "You suck George! you really do." Daphne says while reaching for a banana. 

Everyone got in the car with Keira at the wheel. "Take me to school first!" Sam begs Keira. "OK fine." She answers. While driving Keira drives past a red light. "What's up with the traffic?" George asks. "I don't know, it's New York?" Keira says while rolling her eyes. "we are going to be so late her school." Daphne says while flipping through songs on the radio. 

After a long time in the car, they finally dropped Sam off at middle school and headed towards Midtown High School. They hurry to school and about a block away from school large truck bangs into a small car just in front of theirs. "Ok, that's it!" George says while getting out of the car. "you can't do that George!" Keira yells. He shuts the door. "Sorry girl.' Daphne says while grabbing her skateboard from the back and getting out of the car. "It will be faster." She says. "You can't just leave me here!" Keira screams from the car.

Daphne skates towards George. "Good thing I didn't convince mom to let you drive!" He says with a smile. "Yeah, thanks," Daphne says. "Beat you to school!" George says while running in between cars. "No way you're going to win!" Daphne says while skating.

The bell rang as Daphne stepped into her first class. "On time Miss May!" A tall grey-haired lady says with a smile. 

After a long 3 classes, Daphne walked to a table and pulled out Harry potter.

Peter parker walked outside with a camera that sat on his shoulders. He clicked his camera and took a picture of Daphne without permission. Daphne's eyes stuck to her book as she read the pages. 

"EAT IT, EAT IT!" People yelled as they formed a circle around a freshman. "Eat your vegetables, Gordan!" Flash yelled while picking the kid up and stuffing his face into his lunch tray. Peter walked through the crowd. "Well hello, Parker take a picture. Come on!" Flash says with a large smile on his face. "Get a picture of this!" While flash forces the kid to smile with his fingers. "I'm not going to take a picture of this," Peter says while pointing his finger to the ground. "Put em down. Gordan don't eat it." He says. "Take. The. Picture." Flash says while changing his smile into a flat face. "PUT HIM DOWN." parker says while raising his voice. The crowd of kids sigh and gets quiet. Flash throws Gordan to the side and walks to Peter. "Man you don't want to do this," Peter says while Flash throws a punch at him. The crowd gasps and backs away. Parker forces his fingers to help himself up from the ground. Flash under punches him "ooooh" The crowd says. Peter falls to the ground and rolls to his back. "I'm still not taking the picture." He says withholding his stomach. "STAY DOWN PARKER!" Flash yells. "who wants more!" He says with an angry smirk. "FLASH!" Daphne yells while walking through the crowd. Flash looks down at Daphne. "You know that party you invited me to?" She asks. "Um yeah." He says while trying to act foolishly. "Well, I'm not going with you anymore." Daphne says. "no why?" Flash asks while tilting his head. "Because you're a jerk," Daphne says. The crowd makes noise. "go to class Flash." Daphne insists. Flash doesn't say anything. "How bout it," Daphne says again. Flash turns and the crowd follows him as a bell rings. Daphne stays and looks at Peter on the ground. "do you need a nurse?" She asks while crouching down to look at him in the eye. "no I'm fine." He lies. Here come. "We can skip class?" Daphne asks. Peter nods while pushing himself off the ground. 

Daphne pulls him to her table. "Reading Harry Potter?" Parker asks while holding up the book with a chuckle. "um yeah." Daphne says while sitting on top of the table with him. "not into wizards?" Daphne asks with a chuckle. "um no it's not that, it just a read these books when I was nine." Peter answers with a smile. Daphne sits next to him clenching the end on the table by her knees. "What's your name?" Daphne asks while looking into his eyes. "You don't know my name?" he asks. "No, I know your name. I just wanna know if you know your name." Daphne says with a concerned face. "what?" He asks while smiling. "You might have a concussion, I just want to make sure," Daphne says. Peter looks into her eyes with a grin, no one says a word. "Well?" Daphne asks. "Well, what?" He replies. "Well, what's your name?" Daphne asks again with a smile. "Peter, Peter Parker." He says with putting his head in his hands. "ok, ok good!" Daphne says while looking away from him. "Your Daphne right?" Peter asks while looking back at Daphne. "Daphne May." She says while looking back at him. "alright." Peter says while nodding his head. 

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