chapter 19

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Daphne sits at her desk struggling to study with one hand. She turns around so fast when she hears a soft knock on her window. She pushed the window up with one hand making it red. "Peter!" She says while pulling him inside her room. Peter has bruises and scars around his face. "hey." He says. "hi.." 

"Wanna get out of here?" He asks. "no, I mean yeah." Daphne says with a smile. "Oh no, you're arm!" Peter says while touching Daphne's cast. "I can't feel it.."

"did it hurt?" Peter asks. "no, but you, are you alright!?" Daphne asks. "Just fine," Peter says with a smile. Daphne looks up at him. "Are you sure, I haven't seen you in weeks!" 

Peter Parker nods while he Daphne's face. "I love you." He says again. "I love you too Peter," Daphne says while going on her tiptoes to kiss him. He blushes and kisses her back. 

"Let's go shall we?" Peter asks. Daphne nods and holds him close. He quickly unzips his jacket and reveals his spiderman suit. "Always prepared!" He says with a smile. "Yes but your crazy!" Daphne says with a little smirk. Peter pulls out his mask and holds Daphne tightly. "Let go!" He says. He grasps Daphne's waist and holds her with one hand. He pulls her out of the window and starts swinging all around the house and sprinting from house to house roof to roof. He throws his webs shooting at the tips of the buildings. everything fell into place, Daphne knew for a fact that she loved Peter. And Peter knew he loved her. They felt the same. "We feel the same." they both thought as Peter shot a web up towards the sky. 

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