chapter 10

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Days passed where Daphne didn't see Peter, not even in the halls.

Daphne got called down for dinner by her father. They sat down together. "Have you heard of the new spiderman?" Sam asked. "yes dear." Mrs. May answered. "Can I please buy the new action figure?" Sam asks. "Maybe!" She said. "crime rates have gone down since the city has met him!" Mr. May said. "That's good!" Keira says. Daphne didn't say anything, not much really. Not after Peter stopped talking to her. 

Daphne would only see Peter walking in the hallway with bruises down his arms and on his face. 

"Daphne we are going to eat Italian food on Friday you should invite your friend Peter to join us!" Mrs. May suggests. "Uh mom I don't know, I haven't talked to him in a while..." Daphne says while taking a bite. "Just ask him?" She says again. "Mom I don't know if that's a good idea," Daphne says. "I talked to his aunt and she said that he should get out of the house more.." She says. "What why did you talk to his aunt??" Daphne asks. "Well, I saw her on a walk yesterday." She says. "Alright, I will try," Daphne says.

After dinner, Daphne helped wash the dishes. "Dad I'm going to get some air.." Daphne says while setting a towel on the counter. May pulled her long wavy hair into a low ponytail and headed outside. She walked outside, all the street lights were glowing a nice yellow. She walked down to get a coffee. She opened the coffee shop door and dug through her pockets. 5$. She walked up to the counter. "just a coffee please" Daphne said while tucking her hands into her pockets. A man with a small bald spot turned around and made a nice coffee with a little packet of sugar. "5.23," He says. "ah man, I only got a 5," Daphne says nervously. "It's fine, the change is on me." He says with a warm smile. Daphne thanked him and walked back outside. The air was cool, not freezing but cold. She wrapped her cold long fingers around the warm cup and took a sip. All of a sudden a grey car slowed down next to Daphne. "well hello young lady!" A man about 23 yells out. The car almost stops completely. "where are you going?" another man asks from the back seat while rolling down the black-out window. Daphne doesn't stop walking, she speeds up down the sidewalk. "take it easy!" The driver says while following her. "Please leave me alone." She says. "oh look boys she doesn't want company!" A man says with a smirk. The man in the back seat opens the door and walks next to her. "I asked you to leave." daphne says quietly. "I would but I started something I need to finish." He says. Before Daphne can think he has his arms around her shoulders and pushes her to the ground. The other men in the car make a noise Daphne cant take out. She tries to push him off but he grabs her coat. She takes her hot coffee and spills it on him. He gasps and falls back getting burnt by the coffee, so Daphne gets up and starts running as fast as she can. The other men in the car panic so they get out and corner her. "You can't leave now." They say. ahh of a sudden a large web pulls the 3 men back. Spiderman, takes them and pins them up against a brick wall, and throws large spider webs onto them. Spider-man looks back at the girl, but little does he know... it's Daphne. "Daphne?" He says while running up to her. "how do you know my name?" She says while a tear runs down her cheek. Spiderman snaps out of it. "Call the police and get home, please.." Spiderman says. he throws up a web and swings away in a small moment. "how did you know my name?" She yells.

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