chapter 9

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Daphne hurried to her coat slipped on her shoes quickly. She ran down the street to Peter's house. She ran up the stairs and noticed that the glass on the door was completely gone. She walks through it and walked into the living room to find aunt may and a couple of cops. Daphne's hand flew to her mouth. "It's Ben." A cop said while walking up to daphne. "Are you family?" The cop asked. "no, a friend." Daphne says. Daphne crept behind Peter. His face was white, hands cold. "Peter I'm so sorry," Daphne said while wrapping her small arms around him. She held him for a moment. she felt him bind over to hug her shoulders. 

She felt small tears fall onto her coat. "Peter it's going to be alright," Daphne said softly. Peter lead Daphne to his room and they sat together on his bed. Peter's head fell into daphnes chest as he cried into her. Daphne softly stroked his hair as he wept quietly. 

*three days later* 

Daphne stood by her locker as she spotted Peter walk slowly down the hall with his head down. student pared a path for him to walk through. Daphne walked as he opened his locker. "Hey, Parker!" Flash yelled getting everyone's attention. "not today bud." Peter said sadly. "come on man I just wanna talk-" Flash said. Peter quickly turned around and shoved flash up against the lockers. "I'm sorry, alright. that. your. uncle. died." Flash said gasping for air. "I'm sorry," he said slowly. Daphne saw and stopped "I get it." Flash said. Peter slowly dropped Flash to the ground. He let go and picked up his backpack and started walking down the hall. A couple of tears rolled down Peter's cheek as he walked. 

He faced Daphne and they stopped and looked at each other. Daphne calmly hugged him on her tiptoes. Peter didn't do anything. Daphne let go and he put his head down and continued walking down the hall. Daphne looked back at him sadly.

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