chapter 16

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Daphne walked up to school in a hurry making it to her class. She sat down next to her friend Stacy. "hey Stacy!" Daphne says while looking over at her. "Hey, the girl she replies. "how's you and Peter?" She asks. 

"everything is good!" Daphne says. 

"Great! I still remember when you told me you had a crush on him. " Stacy says with a giggle. "oh hush Stace!" Daphne says while turning to look at Peter. He is staring at her. "hi." She says with no sound. He waves and smiles. 

"So what are you doing this week?" Stacy asks Daphne.  'oh, nothing much." Daphne says. "ok good let's go to the mall!" Stacy says. "The mall? We arent in 7th grade." Daphne says with a giggle. "oh well this Saturday we are going back to middle school!" Stacy says happily while clapping her hands together.

Peter and Daphne Lay next to each other for a lunch break on the blenchers like normal. "We are going to be late for class!" Daphne says. "Just one more minute!" Peter says. "alright." Daphne agrees while laying her head on his shoulder while he runs his fingers through her hair softly. They lay together. She tucks her head by his chest and closes her eyes while the sunbeams into them. She sits up. 'ok we have to go now." Daphne says while pulling Peter off the ground with all her power. They walk back to school and go inside. The halls are filled with chatter, but all of a sudden Peter stops in his tracks. Daphne looks back at him. "Come on Peter we are already late for-" Peters's finger moves to Daphne's lips. "shhh.." Peter says.

"do you hear that?" He asks while looking at Daphne. 

"no?" She says back.

All of a sudden the monster storms through the bathroom wall breaking the door completely. "oh crap." Peter says while pushing Daphne away to run with the crowd. "Peter!" She yells as he pushes her away. "GO home!" Peter yells while running towards the lizard. The monster gets tripped by Peter and it falls down on the ground. The lizard gets up quickly and throws Peter against the trophy case. It follows after him heading into a classroom. it claws at him. "no peter parker!" The lizard says with his horrifying tone. Peter gets up and runs towards his backpack and quickly changes into his spiderman outfit in a flash time. "Nowhere to hide peter!" The monster says while clawing at the locker. Peter throws spider webs straight at the monster. it grunts and pulls them away. The lizard uses its tail to throw peter far away as it crawls towards him. The creature picks Peter up but Daphne chucks a trophy right at the lizard's back. "damnit Daphne." Peter says while getting thrown to the ground. Peter jumps to Daphne. "RUN!" Peter says while pulling Daphne down the hall. They both trip on each other as the creature chases after them.

He pulls her to a room without the lizard seeing them hide. Peter locked the door first thing. "we don't have much time, you have to jump out of the window." Peter yells while looking at Daphne, holding her shoulders. Peter looks back sees the lizard in the glass window, The lizard walked towards the classroom they are hiding in and it laughs loudly. "I'm so sorry daphne!" Peter says while "NO, no!"  "Don't hate me!" Peter throws a brick at the window and glass shatters. "I'm going to throw you out of the window now," Peter says while connecting Daphne to a web and throwing her out of the window. Her body is thrown out of the window. Her feet reach the ground and she runs away. 

Peter shoots webs at the lizard but the creature pulls them off each time. Peter shoots the lizard until it's finished and tired. It digs a hole through the floor down to the pipes. Peter jumps inside. 

Daphne is outside with all of the students. Cops and doctors surround the school. Daphne tugs her hair behind her ear and calls peter. 

"hey." He answers

"where are you." 

"I'm fine, I'm ok, I'm down in the sewage tracking him," Peter says.

"ew." Daphne answers 

Peter chuckles "I have to stop him before anyone else gets hurt. Are you alright?" He asks. 

"My back is a little sore from you throwing me out of the damn window..." Daphne answers.

"yeah... sorry about that," Peter says. Daphne nods. 

 "I need you to do something for me, Daphne..." Peter says.

"what?" She asks. 

"I need you to sneak back into oscorp," Peter says. 

"what no!" daphne says quickly. "please daph!" He begs. "we did it before, remember?" He reminds her. "yes of course I remember." Daphne answers. "just go in the door we went in." He says. Peter gives Daphne simple directions. She rushes over to a taxi and tells the driver to quickly take her to oscorp. Daphne throws money at the driver and walks around the Oscorp building just like her and Peter did before. She puts in the code Peter told her to use and gets inside the building. She gets to a white room with many huge metal things she had no idea what they are about. She ran over to a large machine and quickly put a small bottle inside a slot. Just like Peter told her exactly what to do. She dropped in green bottles of some liquid into the bottle inside of the machine. "Starting antidote ." The machine spoke. Daphne's iPhone started to ring making her pocket buzz. "hi" Daphne answers. "where are you?" Peter asks. "I'm in oscorp," Daphne says. "you have to get out of there right now." Peter says. "no I cant the antidote you told me to make is cooking." She says. "no no no he's coming to you right now." Peter says. "who?" She asks. "the creature."

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