chapter 17

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"you have to leave right now!" Peter demands. 

"I can do this..." Daphne says before hanging up the phone. "what no-" peter says. "Daphne Daphne! you-" He yells at his phone. 

Daphne pulls the fire alarm to get everyone out of the building. "antidote 58% finished" a clock screen speaks. Daphne quickly gets a flame torch and turns it on next to the fire alarm on the ceiling. Lights start to flicker as water source showers from the ceiling. "antidote 93% finished" The clock speaks again. "hurry hurry hurry!" Daphne says while jumping up and down. The closed-door to the lab starts to get busted down by the creature peter warned Daphne about. She quickly hides in a storage locker fitting her small body inside. She watches as he passes around the lab, crashing into things and crawling loudly. she takes a deep breath and then his large yellow eyes are staring right at her. Daphne screams and blows the flame again. the creature gasps and walks away. "antidote finished" the screen says loudy the creature turns back around to kill the antidote. "No!" Daphne screams as she opens up the locker and runs over to the creature and uses the flame on him. She protects the antidote and the creature runs far away. Daphne takes the antidote in a long bottle and sticks it in her coat. then her eyes grow dry and her feet give out. she falls to the ground with a bang.

Daphne wakes up in Peters's arms. "Peter..?" She whispers. His eyes are closed and small warm tears fall on her. He tucks his head down on Daphne. Her whole body is numb and wet. "Peter?" She asks while moving her hand, shivering, and pulling her fingers through his hair. He looks up face stained with tears and red cheeks. His eyes filled with tears. "yo- you weren't waking up, I thought- I thought you were leaving me-" He shivers. "It's fine Peter..." Daphne shutters. "I have the antidote..." Daphne says with a shiver. "I gave him the answer to turn into this thing I need to stop it," Peter says while touching his face to Daphnes. She reaches her hand down and slips him the antidote. "Thank you." He says while pulling his mask back on the leaping away. 

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