chapter 6

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Daphne and Peter enter the party together. Light flash on and off while loud music plays. "Wow, this is a party!" Peter says. "Do you drink?" Peter asks. "no." Daphne answers. "Ok, neither do I!"  He says. "Good, I'm not about to drink at this party," Daphne says. "want to dance?" Peter asks. "I don't know," Daphne says while looking around. "Oh come on don't be a party pooper! I like this song!" Peter says. Daphne smiles and Peter grabs her wrist and pulls her to a room where all the furniture is pushed to the walls. 

The song: He Can Only Hold Her By: Amy Winehouse 

Peter holds Daphne's hands and shakes around for a bit. They hold each other while other people jump up and down. Peter and Daphne get smushed together making Daphne stumble on him. "Oh my god so sorry!" She says while continuing to dance to the music. 

"Do you like movies?" Daphne asks while slowly dancing to the music. "Yeah!" Peter says while fixing the glasses on his face. "What's your favorite?" Daphne asks. "Star Wars!" Peter answers. "I could predict that," Daphne says while laughing. "O I got a really good joke for you!" Peter says while holding Daphne's shoulders. "Why didn't Han Solo enjoy his steak dinner?" Peter says. "It was Chewie." He answers himself. "What the heck!" Daphne says while tilting her head back while laughing. "you like it?" He says. "No that was horrible!" She says. "I made it myself," Peter says with a smile. 

After lots of dancing and singing with a broken karaoke machine, Peter learned that Daphne could sing every word to "Killing me softly with his song!" He was impressed 

"They are taking jello shots wanna try one?" Daphne asks. "I thought you didn't want alcohol?" Peter says. "Yeah I know but just one!" Daphne says excitedly. "I don't know if that is a good idea," Peter says while grabbing Daphne. "Oh Peter don't be a party pooper," Daphne says while tilting her head and looking into his eyes carefully. "You said it yourself." 

"Alright, just one though," Peter says while Daphne smiles.

Daphne walks over to the table where everyone takes the shots. "Okk here they are!" A girl with blond hair says with a huge smile. "yay!" Everyone cheers. The girl passes the jello around. "Thank you," Peter says while nodding and taking two. Daphne takes one from him. "Ready!" Daphne asks. Peter nods. She tilts her head back with her eye closed. The jello slips down her throat quickly Daphne coughs a little and scrunched her nose. Peter took his and set the little plastic cups down. "Are you satisfied?" He asks. Daphne nods and heads back to the dance floor without a word. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" An older man with grey hair walks in. He wears a black suit and glasses. A lady a little younger than him walks behind him and she opens her mouth wide. "Oh crap," Flash says with moving his lips from another. A girl with long red hair comes to the parents. "Mommy Daddy I can explain!" The girl says. "Is this my wine bottle from Paris?" He asks. "dad..." The girl says again. The music gets turned down and a young DJ walks up to the parents. "I need my tip." He says.

Peter locks his eyes with Daphnes. "Let's get out of here." He says while taking Daphne's hand. She runs with him out the back door to the backyard. "Dang rich people have hella long gates," Peter says. "Daphne." He says while looking towards her. Daphne's eyes are half-open. "You had one shot right?" He asks. "well yeah, I mean no. I think I drank out of this girl's drink." She says while stumbling on her words. Peter sighs. "How many fingers am I holding up?" He asks. Daphne studies his fingers while he holds up 7. "11?" She says while almost going cross-eyed. "Crap Daphne I thought you weren't going to drink." He says while holding her close. "I didn't mean to," Daphne says while blinking a few times quickly. "Hopefully you don't remember this..." Peter says while grabbing Daphne close and holding her next to him. He shoots one long web at the top of the gate with no one noticing. He pulls himself up to the top of the gate and swings down to the other side of the gate. "Alright. Daphne?" He asks while looking down at Daphne. She doesn't say anything. Her eyes are closed. Peter picks her up like a baby and carries her home. "I can't take her home like this," Peter says while looking at her home. Peter goes to the side of her house to find her room. "This better be yours.." Peter says while taking a risk. 

He swings up to her window while holding her. he opens the window with great force and gets inside. Her room is filled with books and cups of water. He giggles softly and sets Daphne on her bed. He smiles while looking down at her all curled up. he slips off her shoes and sneaks out of her window just like a spider.  

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