10 - Your Fingers Burn Like Fire

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"Wanna get out of here?"

"Depends. Do you have dum-dums in your car?"


"Cheese please" Alex drawled out, plopping down on the couch with a heavy sigh. "At least take your shoes off, you mongrel." George sighed, dropping his bag by the door with a thud. Karl and Nick were pulling their shoes off and putting them next to their packs in the front room. Dream along with them.

"Can't. M'too tired." He mumbled, reaching his arm above his head to let it rest on his eyes. George rolled his eyes and knocked Alex's feet off the couch before wandering into the kitchen. There, written in glittery blue gel pen was a note saying they would be late, just in case George didn't get the text, along with various phone numbers to call for emergencies.

"This is a nice place," Dream said, walking into the large kitchen. George shrugged and nodded. "It's kind of big for just three people." He says. Sapnap nods but smiles, "It's the perfect size for parties though." George nodded and hummed in agreement.

"Speaking of," Sap starts, sitting in a barstool at the kitchen island, "You throwing the beginning of the year party this weekend?" George narrowed his eyes and hesitated. Every year he threw the party. At least for the past three years, he has. Suddenly, the thought of throwing a party sent the pit in his stomach deepening.

"I don't know," George said, unsure. Sap frowned, "What? Why not? What changed?" He asked because, well, George loved throwing parties. That's what made his the best to go to, he made sure everyone had a good time. Maybe it worked a little too well.

"I just, I don't feel like it...?" George said, a slight question at his tone. Alex, now off the couch and shoeless, walked up beside George with a gasp. "What? The George Founders doesn't want to throw a party? What changed?" George rolled his eyes at the full name.

"I just," he glanced at everyone in uncertainty, his eyes landing on Dream. "It's because of his last party." Alex said with a nod. Karl, puzzled, asked "His last party? The one over the summer?" Alex nodded, and Nick looked as if he wanted to shut Alex up but had no way how. Not without having to make a scene.

"Yeah. Something happened." Alex said, turning to Karl. Nick sighed, "Aubrey happened, dude" his eyes darted to George but he just shrugged with indifference. "No," Alex corrected, "Something else. I don't know what though." He said with a hum of thought at the end.

George's eyes widened slightly, darted to Dream who subtly shook his head, and pulled out his phone. "Nothing else happened dipshit, now does Cheese sound okay for everyone?" George asked, trying to change the topic.

"Fine with me," Nick says, looking over at Karl who nodded his agreement. Dream nodded his approval as well. George unlocked his phone and dialed their usual pizza place, ordering two large cheese pizzas and a large bottle of coke.

"Okay, so" he set his phone on the counter and clapped his hands together before bringing them up to his face, "You guys all stick. Go shower." George quipped, looking over his shoulder at the stove clock. "If you hurry, you'll be done in time for food."

Three of the five groaned and mumbled inaudible complaints before splitting to go find empty bathrooms. George's house is large enough that they should have their own shower. Except, we have an extra person. And, of course, Nick forgot to take him and help him find a bathroom.

"Erm," Dream stands awkwardly by the counter, and George resists his sigh. "Where are the bathrooms?" He asks, and George just wants to laugh at the awkwardness.

"All the guest bathrooms are probably taken. Come on, follow me." George makes for the stairs, turning to look over his shoulder to make sure Dream was following. He was. "You're probably going to have to use mine," George said as nonchalantly as he could. Dream hummed from behind him as George opened his bedroom door. Thank God he cleaned it recently.

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