Chapter 14

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Lunch was a huge success!

Anthony was smiling big as he walks with his sister, who was happily chatting with his boyfriend. They were now on their way to the shops, Marie wanting to get some new outfits and Anton joining to spend more time getting to know his twin as well as spend it with his partner.

"So, human meat is like beef, I always thought it'd be like pork." said Marie.

"Some can be, age plays a role since it can make the meat tougher and chewier." laughed Anton.

Anthony snorts and they soon pass a window with a long, peach colored dress with frills around the collar and sleeves.

"Oh, this is pretty, is this a dress though?" asked Marie.

"Maybe, it could also be a night gown." said Anton.

"Nah, it's a dress, frills are coming into season." said Anthony.

Marie smiles big and heads into the store. The white haired man goes to follow when he notices Anton staring at him.

"My dear, you seem to know a lot on the female fashions." said Anton.

"Uh, because of Marie, gotta keep an eye out so she doesn't go out of style." laughed Anthony nervously.

The radio host seems to accept this answer and they follow the white haired woman inside.

Marie is gushing over the dresses, happily holding them up to her body in the mirror. Anton chuckles, he understand women get excited over the latest things, but this seemed a bit silly.

He looks away to find Anthony when he notices the man at a clothing rack, holding a pink dress and staring at it. It was a fetching color, but as he stared, Anton was unsure if the dress would look good on Marie.

If Anthony was as into fashion to help his sister, surly he wouldn't be looking at it?

Anton walks over, looking at the dress over his partner's shoulder.

"Quite the color, but I don't think it'd suit Marie." said Anton.

Anthony jumps to look at his boyfriend, letting out a nervous laugh to put it back.

"I thought it might so I was thinking on it." he said.

The brunette raises an eyebrow as the white haired man makes a retreat to his sister's side. Anton stares but looks to the dress again when it clicks.

The dress may not look right on Marie, but on Anthony...


"That was so fun, and I got a few nice dresses, this white one will make Ma happy." giggled Marie.

Anthony just laughs as Anton follows, his gaze still on his partner. Marie is carrying a single bag when she looks to her watch.

"Oh, it's almost time for dinner, we better get going Anthony, it was nice to meet you Anton, I hope to see you around." smiled Marie.

"As do I, you are such a treat." grinned Anton.

Marie stares to laugh and move to her brother.

"He's funny, you better keep him or else I will steal him." she teased.

"In your dreams." snorted Anthony.

He then looks to his boyfriend to offer his own smile.

"I'll see you around, Smiles, give my regards to Natalie and Harold." he said.

"I will, but, how about you come over for dinner tomorrow with me, Natalie will be attending another of Harold's card game, so I will be alone." said Anton.

"Sure, it's a date." winked Anthony.

With that, the twins leave with the radio host waving after them.

Once out of sight, Anton retraces his steps, now that he would have Anthony's attention, he needed to pick a few things up.

Only the best for his partner.


A couple hours pass before Anton finally arrives home with a few bags. He places one by the stairs and carries the rest to the kitchen.

Natalie is humming happily along with the radio as she washes the dishes. Upon seeing Anton, she grins big and rushes at him, grabbing the bags and putting them on the counter.

"What's all this, is there a party?" asked Natalie.

"Nope, Anthony will be joining me for dinner tomorrow so I thought it'd be fun to make my mother's Jambalaya recipe, plus one can never go wrong with wine." said Anton with a delighted smile.

The young girl giggles to put the items away and place the wine in the fridge. With the stuff away, the brunette walks back to the stairs to see Harold holding the last bag.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Oh, just a small gift for Anthony, he'll be over tomorrow while you and Natalie enjoy a night of gambling." said Anton.

"Whatever, just don't drink all the liquor before I get home." said Harold, handing the bag back.

Anton just chuckles and walks upstairs to his bedroom. He places the bag in his closet and shuts the door, he'll give it to Anthony when he arrives, he knows he'll like it.

Not only would it suit him, but also show that Anton loves him and that he has no need to hide any part of himself.

Anton then leaves his room, shutting the door gently. He couldn't wait for tomorrow night.

NOTE: So Anton had a fun day with Anthony and Marie, but now he seems to know something, but also, what did he buy for him? Until the next update, stay tuned~

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