Chapter 10

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The sun was rising in the sky as Anthony walks down the sidewalk, cigarette in his mouth. He was dressed in a white dress shirt with black slacks, he left his hat and coat behind since he has no business today.

Anthony tosses his cigarette down and stomps it out and looks at the street signs. He wasn't too far from the radio station now, it wouldn't be long till he sees Anton ether.

As he looks to cross the street, he feels a tap on his shoulder. Looking back, he sees Joey, dressed in a dress shirt and vest.

"Anthony, it's been awhile, Hadrian keeping you busy?" he asked.

"Hey Joey, ya, you know how Pa can be, what's up?" asked Anthony.

"Got some people I'm meeting, saw you and thought if you weren't busy, we could do lunch." said Joey.

Anthony bites his lip a bit, he has lunch plans with Anton, he couldn't miss that.

"Well, I'm having lunch with my sister today, what about dinner instead?" asked Anthony.

"That works, that girl my father wants me to marry is cooking and I would rather live than end my career tonight." said Joey.

The two laugh and cross the street together, talking happily to the other.

"What about you, any young 'ladies' in your life yet?" asked Joey, fishing out a cigarette.

"Nope, no one has caught my eye yet, who knows when I'll find someone." said Anthony, laughing nervously.

This is why he likes that Joey knows he's gay and okay with it, besides his sister it's nice to talk to someone about it. He really wishes gay relationships were acceptable but sadly it wasn't.

If it was legal, he'd happily marry Anton.

A faint pink dusts his cheeks as his mind takes him to the brunette, living in his house with him, doing more crime sprees and hanging out with Harold and Natalie.

He likes the ideas very much.

He now knows easily, Anton is it for him, no one else made him this excited or happy.

"Perhaps one day, wish I could marry my own love, but nope, dad has to pick and he picks the one women in the whole city who can't cook, hell I saw her set a pot of water on fire once." complained Joey.

"Seriously, how do you set water on fire?" asked Anthony.

"Don't know, but she figured it out." said Joey.

They both fall silent before bursting out laughing. Anthony wipes his eyes to look at his friend, who was staring him.

Joey had this weird look but it was gone quickly, maybe he imagined.

"Anyway, this is my exit, see you tonight, where we meeting?" asked Joey.

"How about the place on Second St.?" asked Anthony.

"Sounds good, see you around, Tony." said Joey.

He walks off and the white haired man scowls.

"It's Anthony, you piece of shit!" he yelled.

Joey just flips him off, getting a laugh from the mobster. Another reason why he was his best friend, he could take his shit and throw it back.

Sighing, Anthony continues on towards the radio station to soon see the building. It was small but a very popular place.

Looking to see no one, the white haired man slips to the alley and finds the back door. He just reaches it when the door opens, revealing Anton.

"Damn, how'd you know I got here?" he asked.

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