Chapter 7

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It was afternoon as Anton peeks from around the corner, watching a man speak with another. He was down in the warehouse district of the city, spying on the man in the bowler hat.

You see, that man was a reporter trying to unmask the mystery that is the Manhattan Shadow, and apparently he's getting close. The reporter has already detailed a few big facts about him, and he seems to be talking to others who claim to have a small idea of the Manhattan Shadow's identity.

He can't be unmasked, not yet, not when he just got a partner in Anthony. Though if he does get unmasked, maybe Anthony will run into hiding with him.

The man leaves the area and Anton slowly follows, watching as he leaves the warehouses and gets back into his car. The man takes off and Anton watches before putting a hand to his chin.

This reporter was unpredictable, how was Anton going to take him out. He was always going to random places in the day time and at night he never leaves his house.

As he stands there thinking, he hears the sound of screeching tires.

He rushes for the shadows, peeking out to see a black car pull up to an old run down building across from him. Walking out of the car are a couple of guys in gray pinsuits and they're carrying a man with a bag over his head inside.

Anton is curious, more mafia business maybe?

The doors of the car open again and out walks an older man in a gray suit with black hair, the man was a bit heavy looking. But it wasn't just him, coming out of the car was his Anthony, wearing a white pinsuit with a white feathered fedora.

'Wait, didn't he tell me last night his father was bringing in a man for him to talk to?' thought Anton.

Oh right, Anthony was to get information out of him.

With a big smile, Anton waits for them to enter the building before rushing across the street himself. He finds a latter on the side and climbs up before coming to the old, broken windows. Due to his lanky size, Anton easily gets in and hides in the shadows of the catwalk.

He peeks over the side to see a table set up and the bagged man tied to a chair in front of it, hands being tied to the table surface.

Anton gets comfortable, grin in place as he watches his love apporach the man. He was about to get a front row seat to his Anthony torture someone and he wonders how he'll do it.


"Gah, get this bag off me and face me like a man, you bums!" yelled the man.

Anthony rolls his eyes as he takes his seat in front of the man. This man, Ted McGilligan, was an elite in the Irish Mafia, a rival for them in the ways of the coke exchange.

This man would be their in, and to get it, he needs to sing for them. And Anthony knew just how to make this man sing.

The bag is removed from his head, allowing Ted to settle his gaze on the white haired man.

"Who are you, a lost baby hoping to play mobster." mocked Ted.

Anthony just stared at the man before nodding, he turns to his father.

"Give me fifteen minutes, he'll be singing by then." said Anthony.

"Good, boys, start the timer, let's see if my boy can make him crack in that time." said Hadrian.

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