Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I stayed in the hospital for about two day after I gave birth so that they could monitor me and make sure I didn't hemorrhage or something. They kept the babies for two weeks so that they could gain a little bit of weight and so they could keep their eyes on them. We visited every day, without fail. After they had determined that it was safe for them to come home, Luke and I loaded the car seats we had bought while they were in the hospital and drove to pick them up. I was practically bouncing in my chair as we drove there while Luke laughed at me. It took some time once we arrived but soon enough I was holding my daughter in my arms and walking with Luke to the car. He walked very slowly, so if afraid he would drop him, but eventually I managed to strap both babies into the car. Then we both got into the front seat and Luke grabbed my hand as he started the car. He kissed it before smiling at me.

"You excited?" I asked rhetorically.

He nodded quickly before letting my hand free and starting to drive, being careful not to go over the speed limit. Usually, he was a little bit of a reckless driver, going over 130 on isolated roads and blasting music whenever he drove. He usually only ever had one hand on the wheel too, so the amount of care he was showing today was shocking. Finally, we made it home, even though it took ten minutes longer to get home than it did to get to the hospital. We got out and picked them both up and walked inside, Luke hissing at his mom to be quiet when she squealed in delight at the sight of the babies. Thankfully, they were both still asleep and we both wanted to keep it that way. We handed Liz Jonathon and Ash got Dahlia. Since Kailyn was already over, she cooed all over both the babies, darting back and forth to give them equal amounts of attention. She fell in love with both of them and even whined a little bit when Luke and I went to take them downstairs so they could sleep in peace. Ash had laughed and wrapped his arm around her. The minute we got downstairs, Jon started crying and Luke panicked, not knowing what to do. I put Dahlia down in her new crib and took the baby from him and sat down in the rocking chair. At the hospital, my nurse told me that they were either going to cry because they were hungry, tired or made an accident. Since he didn't smell bad, I assumed he was hungry. Trying not to panic too much, I started feeding him. I was right, he was hungry. I nursed him as Luke just stared.

"What?" I finally asked him.

"Nothing," he assured me, sitting down by my feet like a well-trained dog. He leaned against my knees and kissed my thigh, making me laugh.

"Give me a minute then I'll pay attention to you," I giggled, the three day scruff on his jaw tickling my leg. He nodded his head, making his scruff rub against me and making me laugh again.

After Jonathon finished, I shoved Luke over a bit so I could stand up and put him down in his crib. I turned on one of the baby monitors, took the other and pulled Luke out by the hand. We went into the little den that was less than thirty feet away from the kid's room and sat down on the couch. He sat down next to me before leaning over and kissing me. I kissed him back, quickly placing the monitor down before cupping the side of his face. He splayed both of his hands across my back, pulling me closer to him. Wanting to get closer as well, I climbed up onto his lap and moved my hands from his face to his neck. He was rubbing my back now before moving his mouth from mine to my neck. He pulled me even closer to him, as if he was trying to mash us together. I leaned back onto the couch and he came with me, being careful not to put his full weight on me. I sighed a little bit, realizing just how much I missed him. He started kissing my collarbone and I laughed again before pushing him back a little bit. He sat back up, breathing a little heavily and I followed suit, sitting back down on his lap and holding onto his neck again.

"God, I missed doing this." He sighed, sliding his hands down to my hips. I played with the hair at the nape of his neck and nodded my head.

"It's a lot easier to do this without a giant belly." I smiled and he laughed loudly, nuzzling his face into my neck again. I kissed the top of his head and leaned my head onto his. His hair smelt good and I loved having him this close to me.

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