Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I heard a loud cry from the baby monitor and sighed. I looked over at the clock and saw that it read two in the morning. I sighed again, this sigh much more aggravated than before, and pushed the blankets off my body. I rushed into the babies room and saw Luke already there, his hair dishevelled and his under eyes already developing bags. He was rocking Dahlia in his arms, looking incredibly frustrated that she couldn’t hear him well enough without her hearing aid. Jon had started crying, something he always did when he heard his sister and I rushed over, pulling him out of his crib. His tiny fists clamped onto my shirt as he bawled, probably not even knowing why he was crying. I assumed he thought something terrible was happening and just assumed that it required crying.

“I tried to find her hearing aid so I could sing to her or read or something, but I couldn’t find it. I didn’t want to wake you up, but clearly Jon already did that so now can you tell me where you put it when you put her to bed?” he sounded completely desperate and though it was slightly entertaining, I still felt bad. I opened the top drawer of their dresser and pulled out the mouth guard case that I kept the hearing aid in. I handed it to him and he took it immediately, putting it in and turning it on. “It’s okay, flower. You’re okay. What’s wrong, baby girl, hmm?”

“Check her diaper, then if that’s fine, I’ll try feeding her.” I told him.

He groaned loudly but went over to the changing table. He placed her down and checked her diaper. I was surprised he even knew how to change a diaper considering he never did it. He effectively changed it, but she still continued crying. He groaned my name and held the baby out to me, so we switched kids and I sat down in the rocking chair to feed her. I discovered that she was hungry and I sighed thankfully when she decided to breastfeed.

“Are you not gonna cover yourself up?” he questioned, continuing to rock and coo at Jon.

“Shut the fuck up, Luke. I’m tired and you’ve seen it before.” I said, my voice breaking out into a yawn as I spoke.

He yawned as well and raised his shoulders as if he wanted to raise his hands in defense but couldn’t. “In the morning, can we consider maybe not hiding the hearing aid?”

I nodded tiredly. I kept it in there because I didn’t want anyone trying to steal it. If someone were to break in, odds are they would steal the very expensive baby hearing aid. After a while, Dahlia was finished and I burped her before she yawned as well, snuggling into my chest. I carried her over to her crib and put her down, laying her blanket over her loosely so she could kick it off if she wanted to. I made Luke hand Jon over so that I could feed him as well. Once he finished and I burped him as well, and laid him in his crib, laying his blanket over him. I pulled my shirt back up and yawned again. I stretched and Luke held out his hand for me. I just managed to cling to it, too tired to actually hold, and let him take me back to our room. My body felt heavy and I was beyond exhausted. I collapsed on the bed and hugged the pillow, sighing into it. I felt him climb into bed beside me and he pulled the blankets up over both of us. I grabbed his hand before he could pull it away and kissed the top of his scarred knuckles before cradling it to my chest. He shuffled closer and kissed the shell of my ear before he sighed as well. I snuggled into his side and finally went back to sleep.

I woke up to silence. The sun was shining through the window, there was no crying baby, or loud footsteps storming around upstairs. I leaned over to the bedside table, surprised I didn’t have to look over Luke’s broad shoulders to see it like I usually did, and saw that it was nearly eleven thirty in the morning. Holy shit. I hadn’t slept in that late since before Christmas. I almost catapulted myself out of bed. It was coming up late October, so last night I had slept with socks on, which was not only terribly uncomfortable, but it also caused me to slid across the wooden floor and fall flat on my stomach. I muttered multiple curse words as I pushed myself up and looked into my children’s’ room. I checked in each of their cribs and to my horror, neither of them were there.

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