Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

My pencil skirt was too tight, and my blouse was too long for me. I had no idea how it could be too small for me, yet too long at the same time. My heels were pinching at my feet and I was completely miserable. I was holding on to Jonathon, holding him in my arms as Luke stood beside me holding Dahlia. He was equally as dressed up as I was, in proper court attire. There were about a thousand other things I would rather be doing right now, including getting punched in the face fifty times or diving into shark infested waters, but I knew I had to be there. Luke knocked on the door again as Jon grabbed at my hair and tried to put it in his mouth. I pulled it away as Michael opened the door, Calum and Zoe behind him.

“Oh, fuck no.” he stated, looking at the two babies in our arms. Dahlia giggled when she saw Calum and made grabby hands for him. He had always been her favourite out of Luke’s friends and he loved her just as much.

“Sorry, Mikey, but I promised that I would babysit my sweet little niece and nephew today.” Zoe said, reaching over and taking Dahlia from Luke. Luke kissed her head a few times before handing her over, his finger still stuck in her chubby fist. He let her hang on, and I knew he wouldn’t pry her off until it was time for us to leave.

I walked forwards and offered Michael the baby. He took him grudgingly, looking down at him with fake hate. “You’re lucky that my kids aren’t incredibly fussy.” I pointed out with a smile, leaning over to blow a raspberry on Jon’s cheek, which made him laugh uncontrollably. I smiled down at him and tickled his tummy before looking over at Zoe and Calum again. “Okay, so when you put them down for their nap, just take off Dahlia’s hearing aid. If she starts crying, completely pick her up to let her know you’re there. Jon needs to be sung or read to sleep, so start that about a half hour before you plan to put them down. We’re reading Peter Pan right now and it’s in the diaper bag.”

Zoe laughed. “I’m your go to babysitter. You know that I know how to take care of them. We’ll be fine here.” She nudged her boyfriend with her elbow. “As long as he doesn’t swear every five minutes, that is.”

She handed Dahlia back to Luke and asked all the boys to put the babies inside. Luke and I kissed both of their heads quickly and said goodbye before they obeyed her and walked in, all the boys joking with each other, but not shoving like they used to do because of the babies. I sighed as I watched them walk away and leaned against the side of the door, taking off my heels even though the ground was frozen. Zoe came closer and rubbed her hand up my arm.

“You okay?” she asked.

I sighed again and smiled weakly before closing my eyes and rubbing my eyelids. “I don’t know. I’m just nervous, I guess. I’m such an idiot, Zo. I caused all of this shit to happen.”

“You acted before thinking. You’re naturally reckless, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re stupid.” She grinned, pulling me into a hug. I rested my cheek on the side of her head and hugged back. Our hugs were always a little awkward because she was so short and I was so tall, but they were always comforting.

We hugged for a little longer, neither of us talking, before Luke came out and told me we had to leave before we were late and I nodded, pulling back from the hug and putting my shoes back on my cold feet. If I kept going outside in the snow with no shoes, I was losing my feet to hypothermia. Zoe continued to reassure me that everything was going to be fine and when I told her to be realistic, she said that everything was going to happen the way it was meant to happen, which made me laugh.

The drive to the courthouse was quiet and you could literally feel how tense the both of us were. We played Green Day and All Time Low quietly in the background so that it didn’t get awkward. Usually, silent car rides weren’t that awkward between us, we were close enough for silence to be comfortable, unless one of us were mad or nervous. And because we were both mad and nervous, the ride would have been terribly awkward if Jesus of Suburbia wasn’t playing. When we finally parked in the parking lot, I reached over and grabbed Luke’s hand, running my thumb over the tattoo he had on his hand. He was biting his lip piercing so hard that I swore he was going to rip it out.

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