Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Luke’s POV

“Luke,” My mum said accusingly, her eyes staring at me with a glare. She gestured towards Dani with her head, signalling for me to get her out of here, but I knew the only way that was happening was if I dragged her out.

“I did my best, mum, but you know how she is.” I tried to defend, my voice sounding like a little kid’s.

I looked down at Dani, trying to get a read on how she was feeling. Her eyes were wide, her mouth gaping slightly as she stared at her father. I could feel her nails digging into the skin of my hand, something she was most likely doing subconsciously so I wouldn’t let her go. I brought my hand around and tugged on her hip, trying to get her out of there even though I knew she wouldn’t leave. I decided to look in the direction she was, staring at her father. He was shorter than I was, but not by too much. His hair had gotten greyer since I last saw him, his stubble more prominent now. I hadn’t seen him since I basically told him that he killed his wife and informed him that I fucked his daughter, and now, seeing him moments after I had planned to fuck his daughter for the twentieth time at the least, I was feeling incredibly awkward.

“Oh, Cassandra, this is Luke’s fiancée, Danielle.” Rick said, trying to ease the obvious tension away from the prominent daddy issues. “She’s also Rae’s older sister.”

At the mention of her little sister, Dani pulled herself away from whatever thoughts were going through her head and looked at the social worker. She smiled at her, but I could tell it was a little forced. “It’s nice to meet you.” She said, her voice shaking a little.

They shook hands, which required me to let go of her, before Cassandra leaned over to shake my hand as well. I decided to be polite and oblige to it, when all I really wanted to do was throw Dani over my shoulder and take her downstairs or to the park or somewhere where she wasn’t going to be a ticking time bomb. I knew that between the two of us, I was the hot headed one, but when it came to her father, she was about as unpredictable as the ocean. I let go of her hand and turned my attention back to Dani, only to find her with her sights set on her father. She looked like a goddamn wild animal about to attack its prey and I knew there was no way this was going to end well for anyone. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but she beat me to it.

“Daniel,” she said, recovering from her shock and now refusing to call him dad. “I hate to sound impolite but what, exactly, are you doing here?”

“Well, if you think I’m going to just hand both of my daughters over to people whose house I haven’t seen in over three years, you’re wrong.” He laughed a little, and I assumed it was supposed to be a joke, but no one else joined him.

“Oh really?” Dani questioned, her voice as cold as ice. “Because you didn’t have a problem handing me over to them while you drank yourself to an early grave.” She laughed then, but there was no humor behind it. “Sorry. I meant while you mourned the loss of your wife.” She whirled on her heel, looking the social worker dead in the eye. “My mother died a little less than a year ago. My dear, sweet father here decided to ship me off to live here so he could mourn her death by drinking so much alcohol, I’m surprised his liver didn’t drown. Then, when I came over to ask for the full story on how my mother died and to pick up my car, he was so drunk he decided that it would be a good idea to throw a beer bottle at my face.”

She pointed to the faint, pale scar on her cheekbone. It wasn’t prominent if you just glanced at her, but if you looked at her long enough, you could see the inch long scar centimetres away from her eye. The room was dead silent after that, my mum and Rick standing there in shock, knowing that they couldn’t control what she said because she wasn’t there daughter. Her father was staring at her, replacing his momentarily light mood with a darker one. The social worker was busying herself with scribbling something down on her notepad, probably something about Daniel’s alcoholism.

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